Monday, December 1, 2008

Brazilian Wax Charleston Sc


CURUNDU is a documentary filmmaker Ana Endara presented Panamanian Dürnten the 8th. Panama Art Biennial . It is titled the same neighborhood in Panama City in one of the oldest prostimerias Canal Zone. The title also has other connotations, especially in the final accent of the u. On one side of the neighborhood was also Curundu, without the tilde, an area very Zonian well planned that separated by a little river flowing Curund_ also called? (Depending on the sector since the names.)
's intention at first reminded about other documentaries and movies, One Dollar or City of God, for example, that in the same direction reflected the bizarre social, economic and environmental desagastados neighborhoods of Third World cities o. Although in the case of Panama I would call the third world but the co-existence of several worlds. Thus once again look to the poor, human misery, the young generations of uncertain future was a task of social and political memorial to the general indifference.
The story is told here by Kenneth, a denizen of the neighborhood enthusiast, amateur photography, which became responsible for capture through your camera's most important social events of the community and portraying the most memorable moments in the lives of these people, since the reign of COIF to 15 Yasuri.
The final product are these pictures so surreal, impossible to see in the social chronicles unfold completely real scenario consists of Panamanian society.
Amid continuing negative signaling an intention there to rescue a little dignity in the lives of these people, who like any of us have to address the various vicissitudes that life puts in front but also where you can find in the midst of mist that spontaneity and zest for life of the inhabitants of these areas.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Brazilian Wax Hartford Ct

Exhibition Garden City

As part of the exhibits of the 8th Panama Art Biennial is presented Exhibition "Garden City" which contained a magnificent collection of photographs of the former Canal Zone and a number of texts showing in an analytical and reflective relevant aspects of the urban characteristics of the former Canal Zone. The authorship of this production is appropriation of Kurt Dillon (Colón-Panamá/USA), architect and visiting professor at Cornell University, Sam Sweezy (Mass-USA), photographer and Roger Trancik (USA), architect and professor of urbanism Cornell University. This is a sample previously exhibited at Cornell University and presented at the Gallery in Panama Manuel E. Amador, Panama University in September 2008.

The exhibition was a gateway from the photo interpretation this territiorio approached from different angles that serve not only support but also a pivot to other thoughts, both artistic and contextual . Some pictures are turning to this heroic portrait that characterizes the urban and natural landscape of the great works, being necessary when responding to an introductory character and factual dominance.

planimetrías series aerial views in a very close approach to the field, highlighted the characteristics of urban winding its villages and lush tropical fancy that. They seem to contain a great loneliness and even empty the people have not a desert paradise for its people. Nature, altered landscape, urban intervention. This open trail with a scalpel and scalpel in the middle of palm trees and forest landscapes, unspoiled bastion for the experiment, they realize a senior project.

The architecture appears to sit silent form secondarily in the concert of a delicate nature and involvement of the careful action of the intervention as a waste. The casual domesticity some pictures combine a great balance between human activity and the traces of their journeys. Machine and nature, domain implanted photographically portrayed as a stuffed piece current knowledge of their lacerations and destruction of these monuments nearby landscape.
His casual domesticity is closely linked to the temporality of life in these places, their temporary nature and constant rotating temporary spaces downloaded from any nostalgia or sentiment. Anonymity and hollow, blurs any emotional bonds or paternalistic and puts the territory dismembered in that dimension. Strengthens its contemporary status unwavering work yet fragile and vulnerable to an uncertain future.

This exhibition showed the other cut the feat canal site, contrary to that allowed water flow conditions and settled for some was a myth, while for others the establishment of a strict order dream land.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Crosscillforgetme Not

The Fabrika

For some time many local initiatives are carried out to promote art in Panama City, some more successful and powerful than others, that at least part of local concerns and not of any international organization that promotes foreign how are you-work initiatives that will compete at INAC and other institutions. But it's unfortunate that many of them due to the large effort involved are discontinued so or there are sequels. We recall the San Felipe Festival held in the old station or via Israel thermoelectric Multiple City. The factory was an event organized by Anna Perez, former television presenter and producer.
The strengths of the event was the second time using the facilities of the St. Thomas Hospital, a building that was remodeled for Casa Cor 2007 before stepping in and giving a new use-in this cultural event, although it was clear and limited improvisation budget. The program was open to the participation of various events such as music, painting, graffiti, graphic design, fashion and advertising. On the subject of the painting had open studios of young artists with an interest to show and market their work which sometimes fails to place among the circuits of the city's commercial galleries. Many of them were or were graduates of local art schools as Ganexa or the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Panama. Usually the product is always bordering the line of "arte povera" or "poor art", using materials from the trash, collecting objects from the street and attached to and combined with more traditional techniques like painting on canvas and easel . Others, however, were halfway between textile design and graphic design (shirts, bags, souvenirs) through custom items aimed at this market. The rest of the events, mostly musical performances combined with fashion shows were an expression of a young audience looking for alternative spaces away completely chauvinistic attitudes. Although the counterpoint of all tables (specifically painting) and reflected fairly permissive graffiti all over.
rescued him from all these experiences should be in the field of education regarding the care of the present generation with their social commentary and forms of expression through events like this that allows association and assembly in a society as fragmented and individualistic ours.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Whats A Good Apr For A Car Loan

Casa Cor 2008

This image comes from johannwr .
Casa Cor had its second staging for Panama. This time used the infrastructure of the old school La Salle located on the back of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, near the Plaza Bolivar in the Old City. A particular feature of the building is that much of the body is on the sea and the foundations of the columns are rather few piles driven on the beach that exists in this sector. The impression from the outside is a large dock with a building superimposed.

definitely that space is very well adapted to the proposal and allowed the contemplation of magnificent views of Balboa Avenue and Punta Paitilla with exterior spaces that were the distinguishing feature that differentiated the sample above 2007.

corridors and walkways of the exhibition became a great gallery where it was possible to see paintings of the galleries and local art dealers primarily dedicated to exhibit and sell works of art in the pictorial support. Thus it was also possible to find interesting works of Victor Rodriguez, Diego Linares, Teresa Icaza Guillermo Trujillo, finally a large portion of local artists represented in some corner or wall. Although this leads to discussion of the art object as a decorative product, especially in painting, when tables are selected by their subjects and do the matching color with the furniture and general decor. In the absence of a comprehensive public collector, serious and committed and the need for artists to sell and exhibit their works have no more than give in to these pressures and allow these agreements to the fields of interior design and decoration.

the most interesting was this high (see photos) of the arch. Johann Woolfschoon the Master bedroom has some notes inheritance futuristic Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick and a Thai garden in summer. In the first wrap dramatically reinforced by indirect lighting to the ceiling results in an asymmetric and hierarchical neo-diner. This space offers an almost neutral chromatically stained color balance of the paintings and ornamental vegetation. Lamps are designed as a Barbie doll be hung like chandeliers adds a playful, sarcastic and even kitsch. Composition is well achieved as a result of neo-eclecticism and the tendency to investigate the internal relationships between objects and their meanings. Each piece This scenario is a statement in itself, with a story to recreate a fantasy rather than serve as aesthetic pleasure.

As for the master bedroom I found the recipe quite known and combination of technological gadgets recycled over Eastern Futurism to Space Odyssey. Thai Garden, in the absence of an ignorance of the characteristics of a tropical garden in the U.S. Caribbean was one of the best achievements of Casa Cor 2008. The composition of entry along the sea horizon of the Bay of Panama and the innocence of a covered area on a terrace with furniture items are a big hit right in the local context but the number of symbols Asian mystics these lands are totally out of place.

The eldest son's bedroom is also remarkable. Despite its classic simplicity and its desire to maintain traditional line exists primarily to adapt elements of their own room space that make it very cozy. The heights of the building permit the selection of furniture of good size, with some rare items to add personality to the room.

All in all, Casa Cor was certainly full enjoyment of the senses and also an opportunity to reflect on our places and objects we live with every day that add not only ornamentally value and pleasure to our existence but also the deeper personal meanings.

Arq507 was in Casa Cor at the invitation of PR Solutions.

Friday, July 11, 2008

How To Evict An Illegal Immigrant

Edwin Brown, architect. Fabrega House

The Faculty of Architecture at the University of Panama, celebrating its 46 vo. Anniversary, held a tribute to the architect Edwin C. Brown, after 30 years as a teacher in this university and almost 40 years of prolific career as an architect in our country.
To address the figure of the architect is necessary to review various stages for almost three four decades of practice as an architect in our country and represents a key figure for understanding the development of the profession during the last quarter of the twentieth .
may review various stages as their teaching, the Chair of Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture University Panama, training several generations of architects where student presentations served for interesting presentations and reflections on the theory and practice of architecture in our country. By union participated extensively in the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects and promoted the establishment of the Panamanian Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, trade organization that was active in the late nineties. On the educational level has been closely linked to the birth of Isthmus, a private school of Architecture and Urbanism with ambitious ideals training.
In his practice is noteworthy as one of the precursors to the development and evolution of high-rise condominium apartment-specific. His first notable examples were a number of residences where the scale was no impediment to becoming a real formal playground were then also expressed in more extensive projects and programs. In future posts chronological sample of this route.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Meet Herpes Men In Maryland

House Fabrega is one more example of what is happening in Panama City with some buildings, many of them of relevance to the recent architectural heritage. Accelerated land speculation to the destruction of many of the properties located in the center of the city in neighborhoods such as Bella Vista, San Francisco, Balboa Avenue and El Cangrejo.
have been created and entirely new and refurbished areas with good planning conditions as other East Coast and not as Punta Pacifica. Paitilla
has densified even more, like Obarrio and Marbella. Amador, an area belonging reverted to Panama the Canal Zone, with magnificent views of the skyline new , previously made a great balance between urban planning and landscaping has been given to the tourism market predator making over large areas as theme parks very low quality of both architectural and urban.
Fabrega House was designed by the firm of Roux, Bermudez and Brennan in 1948 for a couple of doctors. The edifición is located in one of the slopes of "The Crest" and its design stems from the topography of the site. From there it reached then good views of the Bay of Panama, forcing to direct most of the main rooms and social areas and pavilions on terraces supported by piles. The vertical circulation is located on an axis transversal to the main volume and volumetric space treaty differently. The importance of this housing part of the solution purely functionalist approach where the traditional bourgeois neo-colonial villa Hispanic is being gradually phased out by an expression adapted to a new aesthetic condition, form and function.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

True Shimmer Sorbet Chapstick

Housing in the tropics

Quarry Heights comprises a small urban cluster located at the foot of Ancon Hill, specifically on the slopes located behind the Administration Building of the Canal. This is one of the most charming places throughout the city that maintains the amenities of being just minutes from downtown and surrounded by the thick vegetation of Cerro Ancon and protected ecosystem for years. At the time was a testing ground for the Americans on the issue landscape and garden we see today its results despite the neglect and ignorance often of its new owners, the Panamanians.
The strong segregation of classes existing in the former Canal Zone, which was both racial and military rank, was reflected in the types of housing in amplitude, facilities and green areas. Are mostly a series of bungalows rather scattered in the territory without protective fences. Its structure and wooden enclosure is basically very good quality (they have withstood over 60 years), lifted by a hormingón base armed with all necessary modern facilities of water, electricity, health drains, etc.
Its architecture is not far from the examples can be found inlso on the outskirts of Panama City and Park Lefevre or Rio Abajo but yet these same objects arranged architects in this heavenly tropical landscape is far from the degree of planning in which it was created.
Some of these houses have been adapted and upgraded to current needs, some more friendly than others of the original model. The most maintain the main features like the simplicity of its solution tectonics, large roofs with generous eaves for rain protection, the verandas, mosquito mesh has been replaced with glass windows in porches that fits pretty well. Otherwise the solution is quite radical to change the look of these elegant buildings with flashy postmodern ornaments surrounded by high walls and perimeter fences .

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Salary Counter Offer Letter Example

Santiago de Veraguas from heaven

Thanks to new technology and putting it in the hands of the masses, we have access to valuable information and interesting with we can work and also discuss and analyze . One is Google Earth . From there the images of the urban area of \u200b\u200bSantiago of Veraguas.
The way we can quickly spot say it is a concentric city, growing from a geographic center in all directions in an almost whimsical, adjusting to the different geographical features that may arise. One important aspect is its role as transit point and continued through American to other regions of the country as Chiriqui, Bocas del Toro, Panama and Costa Rica. This strong horizontal line that divides the city into two, the contrasts with a vertical line which includes a Pacific-Atlantic journey, interrupted in Central Cordillera of the high jungle and indigenous regions of Santa Fe and Calobevora .

is so the city is geographically marked by the confluence of these two pathways and their vocation of service territory to transit to other regions and national trans-national. Has a more elongated growth in one axis, which runs from southwest to northeast . However, the traveler, across the city by American not feel you have entered the downtown but has the experience of passed through the town through a highway merges and crosses the urban area.
Another very marked line shown in the image is this great arc that is tangent at one point with the city and continues with a different course: it is the road to Puerto Mutis- Montijo-Santiago lost dilutes and weakens the entry into the urban fabric of the first streets of the town (First Street), continues in a straight line to enter the road leading to Soná and the other connection from the northeast via
with American (rural outskirts of La Peña) . Another path-ray is the road to the picturesque town of La Colorada. It is worth noting the triangle between American Way , Hector Avenue Santacoloma and Calle 10 ma. In the future, constitute integral part of downtown is now sub-used by Barrio Don Bosco and Urraca (houses) and extensive land dedicated to public use without a very interesting and connections between more than other border settlements.
medium is an area of \u200b\u200bplains with some hills and ridges most relevant and accidental as the sets of hills that are in Forestry and steep descents but found by The Jets on the road to Sona . According
spontaneous unplanned growth has led in recent years, to the naked eye suggest the possibility of a radial-circular design to further strengthen the activities of the center, with concentric rings and nodes at the poles that connect with each other and crosswise. Another option is to overlay a template orthogonal propose new extensions of roads, new schools that value the current and re-define the growth, expansion and future development. Familiar with these layouts because allow the citizenry greater and better understanding of the urban phenomenon well as integration and participation in policy making, reviews decisions and changes that improve the place we inhabit in the medium and long term.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Motel By The Hour Melbourne

lighting public spaces and monuments in Santiago de Veraguas Santiago

dedicate this post to point out some lighting projects carried out in the city of Santiago de Veraguas, both public spaces and monuments and main roads. Due to various efforts and initiatives (restoration of Juan Demosthenes Arosemena Normal School, and lighting ensache of the entrances to the city, lighting cathedral and the park JDA) decided to leave all this obscurantism that characterizes most of the country's cities and incorporated into the line of aesthetic enhancement projects such monuments and spaces . This also provides greater security to the environment it makes more walkable neighbor streets at night. While the lighting is done on some specific points of distinction of interesting or more products (such as 1950's baroque facade of Normal) and the general enhancement of volumetric building industry, they added a note at the end quite dramatic, almost monumental urban objects (some quite ordinary) a bit annoying to our democratic societies. However, it is entirely valid when they represent a national or local identity. We must also continue to expand these efforts to more areas of the city, improving the quality (subterréaneo WIRE "?) And also considering other elements that enrich and enliven the urban environmental planning and landscaping through the entire arborization the city, construction of real public gardens, public parks such building Central Park, new and better deals on housing models (continue copying the houses and residential projects in Panama City SuCasa-no-type leads to nowhere) land use plans of the city, a new proposal for urban transport, regulation of outdoor advertising on Central Avenue. There are many challenges for urban infrastructure that has sparked excitement and interest in much of the population.

Funny Awards To Give To Sisters

Hotel Santiago, as its name implies, this located in the city of Santiago de Veraguas, specifically on Second Street a few steps from the Cathedral and at the time was about the town's first hotels to be established. Know the dates of foundation or construction, but must be around the 1930 or 1940.

mansion is occupied by two water that serves as a major portal of entry - and a side wing lobby (in its original structure.) These two bodies form a central courtyard covered with warm ornamental plants and shrubs that protect against glare. The divisions of the hotel are all of wood like the columns and the roof covered with sheets of zinc (and oxidized by the passage of time.) The latter was a replacement the clay tiles that can be seen arranged in the courtyard. The typical type houses corresponds to that described in another post, unlike the use for this example is public.
is to emphasize the simplicity and ease of each of the spaces with covered walkways from both the sun and rain with the incorporation of natural elements that are integrated and enriched environments. In the evenings the setting sun, which is quite low and deep, is projected directly onto the main facade, resgurdándose a brise-soleil natural a simple network composed of vines, shrubs in a metal wire. They use the same element, but horizontally, inside the courtyard to screen the light entering the galleries that open onto the rooms. The rooms are arranged so as not using air conditioners through cross ventilation.
In the rear were added in reinforced concrete structures, which do nothing but make a difference with esturctura puts it. Certainly it was necessary for an attempt to adapt the business to the times with air conditioning and better finishes.

one of the few places, most do
household appliances, with a tropical value, contextual, environmental remaining in Santiago, totally off the beaten track and new housing proposals presented today, with better characterized technological standards but totally devoid of a true local charm. This is not to remain in the lethargy of a romantic and historicist pintorresquismo but rather the valuation of such simple items as the use of light and shade, the climate, the green is so easy to incorporate and can have a use more than the ornamental.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nutribiotics Rice Protein Powder Calgary

Hotel San Francisco Hip

The city is experiencing a series of processes due to economic and geopolitical factors that have brought the country with the highest rate of growth in Latin America. This situation and the strengthening of its sales and service features has forced the creation of a new center in the city that is now under some particular sector of San Francisco. It is said that the commercial ntros ce destroy the centers of the city but of course I also reinforce to some extent, especially to the newly created.

Multiplaza, a successful commercial project in Punta Pacifica, and the high investment in infrastructure, has transformed San Francisco into a new territory for the building construction as it is Paitilla and Punta Pacifica. The phenomenon is the same as what happens in Bella Vista, unlike at some point there were threats and obstacles to civil society by the destruction of architectural heritage which in fact is taking place. also were eliminated building codes d and tall buildings after the former location of the airstrip in Punta Paitilla as was on route landing and takeoff of aircraft.
The same phenomenon of speculation on property and land in Bella Vista happens in San Francisco, chalets "atomic ranch" Mid Century Modern-fifties and sixties that made a quiet residential complex of middle and late examples the Hispanic are being torn down to be occupied by luxury multifamily joint. It is interesting to see all the publicity and the approach that offers most of these projects, suggesting an urban lifestyle and cosmopolitan through a postmodern language revival of the International Style architecture in all its variety, range and extension without any sense crit ico, but rather formal.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Bushnell 4200 Elite Tactical

This is one of the images that circulate via email about the high rise buildings currently being built on Avenida Balboa and in a broader term of the Bay of Panama, as the radius of these buildings is from Amador Canal at the entrance to the shores of Juan Diaz. In the future, at a pace that leads Kobe and mangroves occupy Tocumen.
This composition made in a program of graphic design, computer graphics images of these projects, altered in a way, is a rudimentary collage and schematic of what reality really awaited project (altered scales, buildings, misdirected, inaccurate location, etc). However, it is interesting that this exercise because this housing boom is almost out of the hands of local authorities and any municipal planning office to take charge of the urban landscape. Most is the result of speculation and the movement of the chips especulatorias that stand in the sector.
From the left is the farmhouse and church steeples that stand as pinnacles of the old town, packed all and with a fairly uniform level that gives a certain unity to the whole. Since those early days of the Avenida Balboa, lots have already been purchased and demolished structures. They are currently in a state of hibernation, deserts, hoping the sector's infrastructure was further enhanced by the construction of the Cinta Costera, completion of the other construction projects already ripped and new residents moving to offer better side at this point in Avenue belonging to the districts of Calidonia and El Marañón. It is expected that coastal areas are the spearhead of the housing market and then move further inland into blocks of Bella Vista, Calidonia and Exhibition with the aim of being both for speculative and real estate developments.
One of the pilots was once the Palacio de la Bahia, designed by the arch. Jesus Diaz, the firm redesigned Lopez Pineiro, promoted by a group of English investors called Olloqui Group, which in reality all he has done is raise a billboard every time December arrives to greet the Panamanian Christmas.
In this brief overview of the most representative way of boom followed Rivage Condominium project. It is actually a glass tower, which stands out in stages at the corners, covering the remaining terraces with glass, like a greenhouse in the tropics over 100 meters high. Many of these solutions are purely formal or decorative part of market strategies supported by the possibilities efecticistas renders offering tintatos glass with lighting effects and reflections very nice. This building by auction, profuse window frames and spare, variation in staggered bodies reminded me a lot of Art Deco inspiration. In fact in graphic advertising the building is flanked symmetrically from the sea by two muses, composition clearly Art Deco. To carry out the project had to blow himself one of the best preserved examples of Hispanic pintorrequistas, chalet that was knocked off the bat, with the consent of the Department of Historical Heritage of INAC and despite the protests and criticism from groups such as Alianza Pro Docomomo-City and Panama.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Artiste Collection By Scott Kay

Panama and Panama skyline Guide

recently published the Guide to Architecture and Landscape of Panama. At first guess, the idea arose of a guide of traditional architecture with scattered buildings and iconic objects in urban and rural, but because of the uniqueness of the urban and landscape sets was necessary to orient as a guide landscapes and architectural and urban ensembles. Would have to include for example, dry savannas and the Arc of the Central Provinces and landscape of Punta Paitilla, Avenida Balboa, Panama Viejo, Casco Antiguo, Panama Canal Zone, Colón and thus all framed within the general features also have certain details that stand out.
Architecture Guide was a project led by the architect and historian Eduardo Tejeira Davis who formed a team of professionals from different areas for the development of each of the components: historical research, plans, maps, photography, discussing ideas and concepts that are abstract in this magnificent work, which incidentally is not undertaken as a critical but especially for selection, description and valuation of assets. Note that this publishing project was carried out thanks to international cooperation (Junta de Andalucía). It is remarkable the good photograph taken in good part by the English photographer Fernando Alda and interesting essays and photo stories about the City of Panama. In some cases you can see that the growth in recent years has been such that some of the photos published two years ago in the book and are very different to the current state.
What remains of this effort is the hope that open the way to a necessary discussion and reflection about the architecture, in addition to provide new insights and evidence once again the rich diversity and cultural heritage of Panama.