Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rash Between Lips And Nose

"other assault" (story)

I wanted to know what you meant when he proclaimed that he had no shame or had known. I got to test your judgments about my supposed lack of modesty. What the hell you'd know if you did not know me or the minimum approach beyond your prejudices about the precariousness of the values \u200b\u200band honor today. And yet, I always found fun trying to secretly rebel against your prudish outlook on life.

discovered my own body through a classmate in sixth grade, when at recess we would hide in the bathroom of the girls and still far from a definite sexual desire, we filled the border feeling something like freedom.

Some years later, I watched through the window of the bathroom, how they showered a neighbor's house front, while you rush I got from the kitchen for me to sit at the table.

time the cousin Juan asked me to teach him to kiss with tongue, I had broken some hearts and rehearsed over a plunging neckline, and I will not talk now, grandma, my first time, because even though you just die I do not think you have the body to great turbulence.

Yes I can say that none of those silly stories that I have served as allies in the adventure of growing, and I repeat, no, I came to feel truly transgressive. I have never lived up to my claims challenging, and I noticed that conquer the off-limits for your moral. Then I do not know, exactly what those notions of modesty and decency and modesty of which escaped me at your convenience. Somehow, my confusion does not stop to confirm that you were right, Grandma, I have no shame nor have ever met.

But what things go, Granny. In my twenty years, knowing that you are empty of life, my thoughts crash against the glass partition to which you watch all the family, I've been hit by a horrible obscenity. Nothing to do with your rusty moral standards. Today I learned that, no matter what the shame that you mean, there is another quite obvious: the necessary dignity that demands our recollection which has been ...

And, silly me, I can not help thinking, but who has painted you well, Grandma? Who has left as a fucking door? Who has decided exhibirte already dead with the case open and a look that is not yours? Who are you and why you want to stay as the last image you see my grandmother?

The most shocking is that the rest of the family seems determined not to notice. That, and I can not stop looking at your coffin uncovered traces of you looking at that face. I have no shame nor have ever met.

How absurd that you had to die for me to realize the time I have lost midiéndome with something as volatile as the assault.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Price Vegetable Oil Gallon

against heat, Billy Wilder

I propose something, something to warm summer nights, those in which the windows of the houses are open wide, hoping to steal a slight breeze at dawn. One suggestion for those long nights: a film by Billy Wilder. They are good for the soul.
That we recommend the always interesting Roque in his blog cinefilísimo , and I can not agree more. So you know, if the temperatures climb, throw the film library. Billy Wilder is always a refreshing and lucid security. So, good for the soul.

How To Get Sticker Off Cotton

Thomas Gomez is angry and not breathing Go

goes without saying that the treatment of information that make media Digital Freedom as Telemadrid or anything, including Thomas Gomez and his leadership (sic) Socialist Party in Madrid, I feel a tremendous handling. There is a prejudice, it is a fact: they are media that have crossed the thin line that separates the partiality of the lack of rigor and journalistic ethics. I realize that objectivity does not exist or need to do, and personally I think the left, the subjectivity of half right-wing editorial line lift me logical discrepancies. But do not talk about that, but the turmoil glib to which you do not mind missing the truth. In that, the aforementioned means are truly marvelous curriculum.

Now, this can not justify the evil forms or attempt to discredit the professionals doing their job. PSM general secretary made his a frock coat, and decided that, as you do not like how they collect their work the media, was a good idea to shout at a news conference. Faced with uncomfortable questions, Gomez threw the middle road and loaded the slab on the editorial writers that it is not difficult, for those who know a little about the world of journalism fellows who are below the seiscientoseurismo barely survive. In the end, finished ridiculing (trying, I mean) up to a journalist with El Pais.

And above all, is very unwise. I guess Gomez would keep the sea at home with his jokes, but has not done more to feed the monster so much criticism. And the image given in the end, is someone who abuses who did not pass his hand over his back, and worse, that of someone who throws all the blame for their mistakes and lack of projection to empedrao.

How Do You Erase History On Direct Tv

week ...

... And no, I mean the comedy program for ETB Basque public television, but the intense program of activities, from Wednesday to Sunday, happen in Rivas, during Sustainability Week. They have already talked about it my father and Dona Reyes, this week is a strategic project milestones and comprehensive municipal Ecopolis Rivas, an ambitious program of measures and initiatives that seek to rethink the immediate area we live in the city to make a bit in the fight against global warming. Popular science, social awareness, the stimulation of new patterns of economic activity, public participation ... are pieces of a complex puzzle of daily work along this week, Rivas will make a meeting, debate and exposure among the residents, the City, the business local NGOs such as Greenpeace and Ecologists in Action, the National Research Council, and so on .

I said, go semanita !

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Complete Set Denise Milani

radiates May 26, 2009 19/05/2009

From Tenerife: Manolo, Aurelio, Pili, Arianna, Beni, Sara and Rafa
From Guinea Bissau: Albertinho
From Senegal: Amadou Ba

min.10 Aula de Solidaridad Sara talks about the campaign they have started at the University to enable the participation min.17
talk about human rights violations Sahara
min.20 Sara talks about the development of a visit to a Centre for Foreigners
min.1 : 03 Amadou an overview of the history of their participation in the Solidarity Hall
min Amadou 1:08 speaks of the serious situation we are experiencing an affront to gay and lesbian families desecration bodies
min.1: 35 Albertinho Amadou and coordinate to find teachers in their countries to communicate live on a teacher training of La Gomera on 8, 9 and 10 June
min. Albertinho 1:20 tells us today in Guinea Bissau
min. 1:43 Antonio announces the Canary Day celebration in Genetics and sings a song