Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nadine Jansen White Nightgown

A key recognition of secular youth

This week is being held in Rivas secular Week sponsored by the Lay Association of the city. This is an event that is celebrated this year for the second time, and includes a program conferences, meetings and video projections of a more fun, really interesting. At a time when the Socialist Government considered secondary to move towards legal and political order respectful of the freedom of conscience and moral pluralism, and the headlines yet Echoing the recent visit of Pope Benedict XVI is welcomed that the civil society are articulated spaces for dialogue about secularism. In particular, in addition, Rivas Lay Association is an organization that has spent several years doing a constant and rigorous light the need for individual and collective rights can be fully implemented without the interference or imposition of any particular moral.

occasion of the secular week, I will deliver the Young Citizenship Award under Lay's Supper on Friday 19 November. With this award, Lay Association seeks to recognize young people who have made ripenses work prominent in the field of social movements and civil rights from a secular perspective. Part of that recognition will rest with the groups that formed a year ago, the Movement Against Closing Young Health Center Rivas. Among them, the area of \u200b\u200bYouth Izquierda Unida Rivas , which formed part.

I find it interesting that Lay Association understood the struggle has contaminated the closure of the Youth Centre Health Rivas (fight that is still alive, to the extent that the goal was not achieved and the center was dismantled, but need for their existence remains today the same, or more, a year) is worthy of recognition in the eyes of the secularist movement. And is that a center that is between his work of young health care and promotion of healthy habits, contributing to a full sexual education and sexual and reproductive health, was a center to serve the free exercise of rights and youth. Surprisingly, at a time, that while a pioneering initiative, the Youth Center of Health was dismantled by the Community of Madrid, or while fulminate regional aid for HIV prevention, the autonomous government, Esperanza Aguirre maintains that programs and initiatives ultraconservative serve as a front to fund extremist organizations assigned to Catholic, anti-abortion activities RedMadre Foundation and others. Welcome

for this recognition, and even more if used as a lever and drive to continue fighting for our rights.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Compute Beginning Stockholders' Equity

Rivas Banana Republic 1, 0

On Saturday, the daily El Pais published in the International section two interesting news, models on the same page in the print edition: the Venezuelan financial system reform and Social Security reform German.

In both cases, the presentation of news perfectly reflects the newspaper's editorial line: on the one hand, speaking of the new Law of Banking Institutions driven by the Chavez government, can appreciate the obvious effort to demonize the Bolivarian process and totalitarianism caricatured as a banana. The use of the verb "seize" in the headline of the newspaper reveals that aggressiveness of Prisa, which accentuates the surreal references, and in the body of the story, the lack of profits of banks operating in Venezuela. Booty Poor, poor BBVA.

The Venezuelan financial system reform is on the table that will force banks to devote 5% of gross profits to social projects and community development, and create a fund equivalent to 10% of its capital social, to serve as a guarantee of payment to workers in case of bankruptcy or closure. Meanwhile, in Spain, the PP-PSOE clamp provides a blank check private banks to seize the savings.

the other hand, the dismantling of Social Security tax by the Executive German-liberal Democrat Angela Merkel, is part of the logic and rhetoric of the "structural" reforms required by the welfare state. Even the owner himself, "Merkel raised the tax to cover the deficit of health", could easily give the impression that action has been taken of progressive taxation to pay for German health spending when the harsh reality is that Chancellor Merkel has raised Social Security contributions of the great mass of wage laborers, while private insurers take a free hand to eat you land to public health.

Of course, Banana Republic is still that of Hugo Chavez, and one of the undisputed concerning the European social model, Germany.

Do Old People Get Turned On By Old People

European social model's smile Trinidad Jiménez

There are smiles certainly disturbing. Just ask at the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, whose feet are stacked (by bulletproof glass) over six million tourists a year in the Louvre in Paris. The Trinidad Jimenez, meanwhile, has always struck me that was not without its one of concern. Footprint does not have that illusion, the enigma encryption, the Renaissance work, is in the best sense, a smile more than normal. Uninhibited smile, wrapping, which acts as the best card for a character like him. And yet, there is a halo of concern that smile stitched to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Trini is nice in general. I contrast, the primary thread of the PSM, in my environment and in any cafeteria at the table next door were talking about it. His "good image", its "closeness", his "positive energy" have ever appeared in its public, as a sincere reflection of his personality. I do not know if so or not, but I have no reason to distrust it. Probably, Trinidad Jiménez is an affable woman. However, at a time, for a long time I could not help wondering how friendly and nice character that weighed on the public image more than its first-obvious political uncertainty (his candidacy for mayor of Madrid is remembered as a celebration of inanity program, beyond smoke Trinimaratones and marketing) or subsequent milestones hardly defensible as managers (with those 92 million euros in economic crisis, was spent on vaccines Pandemic Flu nonexistent ). That is my concern: how can a smile from ear to ear to be able to plug a reality with more shadows than light?

But yesterday I realized that my dilemma was misconceived. Because yesterday when I saw this picture of 2003 with a Trinidad Jiménez (of course) smiling with a sticker on the 'Sahara Libre' on the tab, I realized that the problem of Trinidad Jiménez is not cynicism, hypocrisy is not premeditated. Trinidad Jiménez uses his affable and sympathetic image to make us believe what is not, Trinidad Jiménez is nothing false or enters Judas style stabs to the back while her smile remains stapled to his face.

Trinidad Jiménez's smile, in fact, has no trap or cardboard. So much so, that the question is not how his smile makes up for any faux pas of Trini, but how much is going to take the virginity of the face. Because it is a matter of time. Trinidad Jimenez's problem is not with his shameful indifference to the genocide against the Saharawi people detract from what is proclaimed only seven years ago. Gravity is the alleged hypocrisy, because Trinidad Jiménez surely did not come to that act in solidarity with the Sahara and the sticker was out of conviction. Just did it because he had to, because it is touched. And with great self-confidence from ear to ear, hear. Now what he plays is "putting forward the interests of Spain," shielding "our relations with Morocco a priority partner" as a "matter of state" and direct the diplomacy of Spain as the "safe country" we are.

cercanísima The most sincere smile and Trinidad Jiménez continue wearing the same friendly artillery, and restlessness associated with the seduction that leads to that grin will fade because, despite everything, right down in a first impression is not worth much when all clear that out of your history.