Monday, January 31, 2011

What City Has The Cruise Line In Pokemon Silver

poet imprisoned in Colombia

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Formal Silver Shrugs For Prom

More murders of women

data earlier this year: There have been over 5,900 murders in the last decade in Guatemala.

The murders of women in Guatemala increased in the last decade and totaled 5,924 cases, while domestic violence altercations reached 170,212 between 2008 and 2010.

There is a worrying escalation of violence against women in Guatemala. However, most crimes remain unpunished, according to the National Center for Judicial Analysis and Documentation.
increased in 2001 to 226 in 2002 to 250 in 2003 to 417, in 2004 was 547, in 2005 to 624, in 2006 to 641, in 2007 there were 584 in 2008 rose to 832 in 2009 were 783 and in 2010 there were 838 cases. Why this violence unleashed product of patriarchal culture taken to extremes?
CENADOJ The director, Zenaida Escobedo said earlier this year at a press conference that since the entry into force of the Law on Femicide, there have been 161,678 reports of domestic violence against women. However, all cases reported to the judiciary, only 32,181 were admitted, he said. Of those cases , apparently only 310 have been tried and they were issued and 101 209 convictions were acquitted.
What's happening with the judicial system?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Convertible Bonds List

Ratchet And Clank Time Rhino Vlocation

Feminism and Luka Sulica Stjepan Hauser - Smooth Criminal # Vote: he or the video below?

John Deere Trailfire 1978

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shave Legs During Menstrual Cycle

Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal Youth divine treasure ...

Yes, you're going to not come back ... Tyranny botox and size 38, be actrativas, young, sexy o. .. not to be ...
Take the case of Miriam O'Reilly (sad but true), former presenter of a BBC program in November 2008 was removed from the BBC along with other employees who exceed 40 years . O'Reilly, who is now 53, sued chain issues before the court dismiss her work in London by his bosses after he made comments about their wrinkles and gray hair s beginning to comb and will even propose botox injections. This woman has become the first employee of the corporation in reporting to the public body for sex discrimination and age. In 2009, the program was to be presented by a boy and a girl of 38 and 30.

Now, after months of waiting, has won a lawsuit against the BBC for discrimination because of age, but this dynamic obsessive standards of physical appearance and youth at all costs still overwhelmed operation of all aspects of society. Consider what has Lipovetsky said: "The power of the media coincides with an enforcement capacity models, although not mandatory, this does not cease to be equipped with formidable effectiveness. "

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Paypal New Zealand Bank Account

suicidal mother is Isabelle Caro, an anorexic model who starred in the Nolita campaign

Isabelle Caro an autobiography published in 2008 entitled The petite fille qui ne voulait pas grosser. From 13 years fighting anorexia, a disease that consumed her, which made him feel disgusted with herself, who had become a prematurely old, as she said at some point.
His mother, Marie Caro had decided to commit suicide because he felt guilty for the death of his daughter, apparently felt responsible for having joined his daughter at the Bichat hospital that her daughter would not go. Isabelle, of 28 years, died in November last year in the hospital with symptoms of severe dehydration.

In an interview with CBS News, Isabelle had linked her illness to her mother's wishes that she would not grow. As he had told his mother the media all the time and not let her leave because she had heard that fresh air makes children grow, so the locked up at home.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro With Dish Network

Que Sera Sera??

Friday, January 14, 2011

South Park French Episodes

Recommendation: "The dinner of fear" Amador Fernández-Savater

Article published on the blog of Watercolor Books:

[Amador Fernández-Savater, coeditor of Watercolor Books, was invited (by chance, by mistake or for some unknown reason) at a meeting with Minister of Culture and other leading figures of English culture industry for Law Sinde discuss the topic of downloads, etc.. This text tells what lived, what they heard and what he thought since. His conclusion is simple: the ruler is fear, fear conservative crisis to dominant reactive fear people (especially young people), fear of public revolt, the Red and the unknown future.]

Last week I received a call from the Ministry of Culture. I was invited to a meeting, dinner on Friday 7 with the minister and others in the world of culture. Apparently, the meeting was one in a series of contacts that the Ministry is now looking to push the opinion in the sector on the subject of downloads, the infamous Law Sinde, etc. I agreed, thinking the same after the blow he had taken the law in Congress (and the street and the web) questions were opening, rethinking things. And maybe I could contribute something here as a small publisher that publishes regularly with Creative Commons licenses and as someone involved for years in the movement copyleft / free culture.

the same day of the meeting-dinner knew the name of the other guests: Álex de la Iglesia, Soledad Giménez, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Elvira Lindo, Alberto García Alix, Ouka Leele, Luis Gordillo, Juan Diego Botto, Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, Gonzalo Suárez (related to the field of video games), Cristina Garcia Rodero, and at least two others whose names I do not remember (sorry). What a surprise! Suddenly I felt misplaced, as out of place. First, because I am engaged in the publishing world a place even remotely comparable to Alex of the Church in the field of cinema and Muñoz Molina in the literature. And then, because I had the intuition that the guests shared more or less the same vision on the problem that brought us together. In particular, figured (correctly) as the only one not looked favorably Sinde Act and that was very sad when it was rejected by Congress (rather the opposite.) I suddenly stormed the questions: what I painted there? "In what capacity I was invited, what was expected of me? Do you know my relationship to the movements copyleft / free culture? What many people could argue reasonably in the middle of dinner? What was the point of all this?

With all those questions dancing in my head, I went to the meeting. And now I've decided about my impressions. On the one hand, because I like to share the concern that led me what I heard that night. I worry that he has to legislate on the Red knows it so bad. I worry that it is the fear he is trying to organize our perception of reality and who are taking government decisions. I worry that combination of ignorance and fear, because there can be only one thing: the use of force, repression and punishment. There are basic ingredients society in which I want to live.

On the other hand, would try to explain what I think better than on Friday. I confess now I did not do too bright paper so to speak. What I heard revolted me so much that I suddenly discovered badly discussing with fifteen people at a time (fifteen to one, shit ...). And when you attack and defend miss the nuances, any points in common with the other and the questions you have. In fact, I heatedly that the person next to him asked me to calm down because he was up the tension (!). I have a friend who says, "Do you repent of your ready, but again on the problems. " So here I am also for that.

out there may have some morbid wondering what they gave us for dinner. I'll tell you, no problem, it is very simple. Single dish was: fear. Fear was everywhere. Fear this, fear of the future, fear of people (especially young people), fear of public revolt, fear of the Net I'm afraid that I did not feel any desire to change course, to look at other sites, hear or imagine alternatives that do not go simply by insisting Sinde or similar Law. Reagent by feeling the fear that paralyzes the imagination (policy but not only) to open and push other futures. That fear which carries a fierce conservative who clings to what is as if all that can be. A fear that sees enemies, threats and traitors everywhere. Who

review the guest list quickly conclude that it is the fear of irreversible crisis of cultural and business model in which "winner takes all" and others little or nothing. But we do not get too easy and thought to generate the fear that circulated at the dinner not only expresses the horror of losing a personal position of power and privilege, but also contains a very legitimate concern for the fate of workers of culture. There is certainly a question we all (1) and perhaps could be a fragile common thread between the positions at stake in this conflict: how can workers live out of their culture today?

What happens is that some of us wonder how we can live the cultural workers of our work, but adding (among other things): In a world that is and will be infinitely copied and reproducible (live!) . And there are others that hold their legitimate concerns within a very narrow interpretation: the culture industry, the individual author and owner Current legislation of intellectual property, etc. So the problem is not fear and worry, but the context that gives meaning. The framework so narrow traps us in a real impasse in which only one can think how to stretch what is already there. And I fear that the only possible answer is: through fear. Respond to fear with fear, trying to prove others fear you have. Law enforcement, punishment. Put it very clearly someone at the meeting, referring to the American model of combating the discharge, "That is, at least people feel scared." I am afraid that is education for citizenship that awaits us if we do not learn to look from another frame.

They are afraid of the Web This is very easy to understand: most of my fellow diners think that "copying is stealing." From there, the first organized his head. How does the Red, who was born to the exchange from the budget? It is very clear: it is the site of a total and permanent pillaging. "People use my photos as a profile on Facebook!" Complained bitterly someone who lives on the picture at dinner. Cheating is stealing. Do not give, give, share, disclose, disseminate or widen the ordinary. No, it is stealing. I tried to explain that for many artists the visibility that comes with a copy potential can be decisive. They looked at me weird and I was a Martian.

It seems a very serious fact that those who should legislate on the Net do not know or really appreciate what is, above all fear. They do not understand technically or legally, or culturally, or subjectively. Nothing. It follows handyman type Sinde Act, which confused the link pages and pages that host content. Hence the very idea that recurring closing two hundred sites will end the problems, as if after Napster had not reached Audiogalaxy, Kazaa, eMule, YouTube, etc. Hence the losses suffered over and over again in court. Hence the exceptional fact that people of all political (and apolitical) come together to denounce the violation of fundamental rights that perpetrate these laws stupid and blind.

people are afraid. When he decided to switch off and concentrate on bluefin tuna, there was talk of the users of the Web "Those irresponsible consumers who want everything for free", "those selfish fancy that they value the work or effort of a work" . And then I started getting bad. People get off free material for the Network for a variety of reasons that these clichés do not provide. For example, are those who can not find a reasonable settlement offer and easily. But the idea that trying to impose stereotypes is this: if I cytokines on Sunday afternoon with my girlfriend in the cinema watching a movie either, I'm appreciating the culture because they paid for it. And if I spend two weeks translating and subtitling to share my favorite series on the Web, I'm just a despicable parasite that is sinking consumer culture. It's amazing, right? As the network is made of a million such selfless gestures. And thousands of people (for example, cultural workers, spurred by poor) are usually downloaded from the Internet material they want to do something with it all: meet and eat to create. It is very active and creative tension that leads many to seek and exchange, enterao!

What we have here is an elite that is losing its monopoly on the word and the configuration of reality. And his speeches reflect a mixture of disgust and anger towards those unknown actors enter the scene and disrupt what was tied up and securely fastened. Oh, how comfortable it was like when there were only hearing subject. But now the rebel government, speak, write, appear, intervene, boo, whistle, boycott, whistle. The meeting could feel the panic, "We are facing with our audience, this is very serious. " But who is this "we" that "confronts us with our audience? Mystery. Surely the public has no real reason for the anger? Is not that a way to continue to think the public as a mass of sheep from an evil power remote control? What if the public perceives perfectly the contempt with which it is conceived when treated as a simple consumer who simply pay and shut up?

They fear the future. "But you do you propose?" That question is always an effective way to close a conversation, to stop listen, to put an end to an exchange of arguments. You seem to have to have solutions to very complex situation with thousands of people involved. I have no answer, no, but I think I have a good question. In the same vein, I think the most valuable of the movement for free culture is not to propose solutions (although they are experiencing many as Creative Commons), but it raises a new basis where they can get some good answers to take place. I mean a shift in thinking, another frame of interpretation of reality. A mental revolution take us out of the impasse, another brain. Do not confuse the creators or the culture industry cultural, that does not confuse the problems of the star-system with those of all workers of culture, do not confuse the exchange on the Web with piracy.

Of course, I talked about the role that today I could have public policies to promote a new social contract and avoid the devastation of yet another industrial restructuring, to accompany / support a transformation to other models, more free more just, more attached to the emerging paradigm of the Web As written, "the massive public investment in recording studios, media and public edition cabinets intensively using contemporary resources, crowdsourcing, P2P, virus-license position would change social agents so far refractory or unresponsive to the free movement of knowledge "(2). But as I spoke in this regard had all the while the feeling of plowing in the sea. I hope I'm wrong, because if not the thing look bad, will be the war of all against all.

just now. Throughout the meeting, I could not get out of my head the images of the film Downfall, enclosed in a bunker, without seeing or wanting to see the outside, stuck inapplicable plans to win the war, tied together by loyalties awkward, scared to death because the end is near, seeing enemies and traitors everywhere, not daring to question the ideas that creep into the abyss, afraid of the barbarians who are about to come ... (3)

But the bunker does not exist! The barbarians are already inside. I wonder how many of the guests left the dinner turned on their home computers by downloading a movie. Someone next to me said: "I have a daughter of sixteen low it all." And he confessed that he had to convince him the imaginary circulating out there about young people. Such things are for me the hope, the ability to reason from another site that is not only fear and denigrating stereotypes. I propose that each of those attending the next dinner talk a bit about the subject with their children before leaving home. Or rather, to invite to dinner both parents and children. It might be a way to get to the speeches of his bunker, because then they would have to take some uncomfortable questions: Is my child a poor man and a brainless moron? Do you just want to feel fear when he turns on the computer? You have nothing to teach about the future? The bunker and does not protect anything, but prevents you hear and understand something.


1 Someone at dinner recently revealed that he had discovered that the "dark side" also had concerns about the issue of remuneration for authors / workers / creators. Hallelujah! Despite this, throughout the meeting continued to argue as if this conflict opposed to cultural workers and a mass of irresponsible consumers who want "everything free."

2 "Ciberfetichismo and cooperation" by Igor Sadaba and Cesar Rendueles

3 Of course, the bunker is the old industry. The "new capitalism" (Skype, YouTube, Google) understands very well that the essence of the thing is now that people interact and share, and take advantage of it without returning more than precarious.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Australian Defence Force Does Herpes Disqulify

Amnesty International reports that thousands of women suffer sexual violence each night in the camps where they shelter since the earthquake.

As always, women suffer in the flesh all the hate and violence concentrated. It is now Haiti. Sexual violence was already difficult before the earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, as noted a report by Amnesty International, but the tragedy shattered the few protection mechanisms that exist. " Since then, violations have multiplied exponentially. Only the first 150 days after the earthquake, the Commission of Women Victims for Victims (KOFAVIV, its acronym in French) recorded over 250 cases of rape, most of them affecting children. But organizations working in the field, know that the cases on record are just a fraction of the actual number.