Sunday, October 14, 2007

Everyday Mineralsnc30

Architecture and Landscape Reflections Contemporary Painting on

2nd to 6th October as part of the activities of the 8th. Panama Art Biennial held a seminar entitled "Reflections on Contemporary Art" taught by artist and professor Saidel Brito of Cuban origin currently residing in Ecuador. The course was raised from premises in which it was intended to arrive at an approximation through art history, especially the art of the twentieth century the meanings of the painting, the artist's role, the system public art; questions raised and discussed during a week. The course was an emphasis on modern art and the artists who have forged the pictorial work and exploration in their variants throughout this century (XX good century, the past) including recent samples. One of the conclusions were that painting continues to maintain a resounding validity as support within the art world as long as its role in the heavy weight of history and tradition of painting is done through a critical and contemporary. Workshop participants included students, teachers, cultural workers, journalists and artists who had the opportunity to present and discuss their own work.


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