Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Kind Of Swimwear Do Women Like On Men

Returns to April 14 Haiku 21

In 2011, 80 years since the proclamation of the Second English Republic, and although the atmosphere is not suitable for large celebrations, it is worth the joy we share democratic values \u200b\u200bthat transpire seized on April 14 1931 in a transformative project as never before known the history of Spain. Precisely in these times when the only thought seems to have fit on the widespread idea that the recipes that are applied to overcome the economic crisis are "inevitable" or even "lesser evil" in these times of questioning the concept of citizenship and lack of credibility of our democratic models to the siege of insatiable markets seem to have fallen from heaven in these days of conservative cultural hegemony that fosters that despite having lost all has not sunk all, look back to the example of that brave generation and decided he wanted to truly leave us a better society, not just a whim of nostalgia or an exercise in folklore pamphlet. It is an ethical and political self-activity, and a duty to the steps that have brought us this far.

So, not simply because the calendar will shed their leaves and eventually devour itself, soon will be 14 April. And so, and to be "more" than ever before April 14, IU Rivas calls the second consecutive year awards that are named after this event and aim to vindicate the " person or persons, social organizations, institutions or projects individuals or groups whose work and / or experience in the translation reserve, defense and promotion of civic values, equality, justice and radical democracy, and / or defense of civil and social rights in the areas of research, participation citizens and associations, communication, community intervention and social development, public services, environment and sustainability, historical memory, training or cohabitation. "Nothing less. And all in three categories: one local, one general and one specific historical memory.

best thing is that any person or group of persons, provided that no part of the Jury, may propose candidates consider, with a justification. Everything is pretty well explained in the bases, already published .

I'm already turning my suggestions ...

Oh, and go pointing the April 15 Friday, because the 2011 Republican Party Rivas UI (which will be delivered Awards) promises to be a memorable evening, even above last year ...


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