Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How Long From Hole Removed Mole To Fill In

PSM Thomas Gomez, increasingly less reliable

The first news we had of Thomas Gomez in the performance of his duties as Secretary General of the Socialist Party in Madrid, was the Esperanza Aguirre invitation to welcome him and converse with him about the human and divine 'is our community. " Far from being limited to exchange views and take a picture together to immortalize how well that can be the leaders of two political parties vying for power, the meeting transpired so then we knew it would be only the first, shall we say-' Tomasa '. The news was not the meeting itself, but the proposal Gómez star Presidentísima had moved to fresh air as a sign that their 'new socialism' brought to Madrid: 'Nah, you Hey, Mrs. Hope, what are you waiting to remove the estate tax? " . Since then there have been few occasions when many of us have asked if Gomez was involved in directing the designs of the Socialist Party in Madrid or a new 'think tank' in the service of PP cat. The PSM leader juggling about the Cañada Real Galiana begin to provide enough material for an anthology of nonsense.

Thomas Gomez And it has proven itself capable of saying one thing and its opposite, or worse, out by the tangent of the trial balloons and then permanently confused the 'sense of state "-that pompous mixture of responsibility and institutional loyalty to the adversary, above political differences to the adversary, with tail-complexed and without any argument to the policies of Esperanza Aguirre. The last example we have had with the Cañada Real Galiana, that over this summer has been one of the central themes of regional information. The problem, carried and nurtured for several decades, illegal settlements in this track livestock, converted into a crucible of public land speculation, environmental degradation, white collar crime, illegal economic activity, mansions and slums, ostentation and social exclusion seemed to see light at the end of the tunnel due to pressure, among others, the Municipality of Rivas, who arrived earlier this year submitted an application for judicial review of the regional government for its dereliction of duties as the holder and owner of these public lands .

That complaint was the straw that broke the camel's passivity de Esperanza Aguirre, and as part of a negotiating table with the participation of the Community itself, affected municipalities and central government delegation, he went forward towards a consensual solution and coordinated to address all edges (legal, urban, environmental, social and security) of this complex case. Well, from night to morning, surprise and betrayal, the Socialist Party in Madrid Thomas Gomez filed a law outside of that negotiating table, a law whose content is now insignificant and unimportant, but that ended in seriously threaten the continuation of negotiations. Fortunately, finally caught on an agreement between the administrations concerned, giving full power planning for a year to the councils to sort the sections of the municipal Cañada, previous census to analyze the cases of social need for the competent administration - the Community of Madrid-manage the integration and resettlement policies that were required. This placed the city of Rivas Vaciamadrid closer than ever to the historic task of dismantling the settlements and regeneration as green space in the Glen.

Since that agreement was reached, the PSOE voices have gone from branded as 'antisocial' to finally recognize its value and then build the maneuver rag unilateral proposal submitted by the PSM as the spur that was needed to push and reach final consensus. Even Thomas Gomez announced this weekend at a rally that the Socialist Group in the Assembly of Madrid, support the law. But when Monday knew that the Government the Community of Madrid had breached the agreement approving a bill away from the terms agreed with the municipalities and the Government Office, also missed the game Jiminy Cricket Tomas Gomez pulled from the trunk of memories unilateral proposal PSM wielding that "yes it was good" for their high social and forth to say that how we came to the rest of us mortals trusted to Esperanza Aguirre (which, on the other hand, it is still true, although in list of those we trust also had a mayor and a government delegate of the party of Thomas Gomez). Even the PSOE de Rivas took the unilateral rupture the agreement by the Presidentísima Aguirre to reading these lines, a bit convoluted and very consumption.

But alas, Thomas Gomez has again drawn a manga as unexpected, unexpected for their own co-rows, and distance themselves away from the proposal that Aguirre has taken a poke to the agreement, has come to play down-with-a superb awesome the demands of the municipalities, as if they come from, were a kind of localism and corporatism redneck, "and announced that" has no difficulty with the regional government "by the proposal has presented and, yes, in a gesture touching, expected to be able to reach an agreement with local councils to introduce "some minor modification, although his group has already decided to uphold the law: making chestnut.

If his own party, present in many municipalities in Madrid, it can and can increasingly rely on less-Thomas Gomez because they let the child breathe, as we say colloquially, with your ass in the air, what to expect from the rest of the left in Madrid, and Madrid society in general? And if the problem was just lack of confidence and credibility, bad Andari. But when you're talking about decisions that can lead to very harmful policies that exacerbate serious problems, as in the case of the Cañada Real Galiana, sencillamante, is inadmissible.

hope to reverse this new aggression by Esperanza Aguirre, despite Thomas Gomez.


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