Sunday, November 29, 2009

Illegal Softball Bats

Academy Aminetu A huge hug from Rivas

Yesterday, the municipal auditorium in Rivas Vaciamadrid Pilar Bardem hosted an emotional homage and solidarity with Haidar, the Sahrawi human rights activist who has two weeks on hunger strike at the airport in Lanzarote, undercover in an abduction by the English Government, after the Moroccan authorities not to return to his home with his family, in the Sahara occupied by the tyrannical reign Alawi. Aminetu history has returned to put a face on the front line for the shameful journey in the wilderness, and never better, the Saharawi people, who left Spain in the lurch over 30 years. With her and the entire Sahara were yesterday many people (i guess, that over six hours of the event, over a thousand locations Pilar Bardem spent about two thousand attendees), vibrating with the music and words engaged in a variety of artists, from Bebe Macaco, through Amaral, Pedro Almodovar, Juan Diego, Juan Diego Botto, Kiko Veneno, Pilar Bardem, Muchachito Bombo Infierno, Miguel Rios Paca Gabaldon, Gonzalo de Castro and Carmen Paris, etc.

One of the hardest times, and sadly ironic illustration of the concert was reading a speech in 1976 by a young English political leader, then "only" PSOE Secretary General of Felipe Gonzalez in the Saharawi refugee camps, in which he remarked on his party's commitment to justice and the dignity of the Saharawi people, and his word to accompany him in his fight to victory. You can read it here. What a scoundrel.

Beyond the Saharawi cause most just, I think it has to get back on the political agenda in prominent relief and this has contributed this courageous woman, the case of Haidar is a flagrant assault on human rights, and hopefully, as Saramago said in his precious letter as Almodovar and others recalled yesterday and as many who took the floor, be no need to turn off her life because people like her are the essential who wrote Bertolt Brecht.

do not understand this kind of diplomatic whirlwind in which he plays around the English government, meeting with her, offering various options to undo the mess he has set himself Moratinos. Enough to negotiate with Aminetu, lords and ladies of the Government: Look towards On the other hand, in this country whose despotic king exercises a dictatorship with an iron hand (a hand is enough, to greet each other fraternally with ours), and negotiate and exert pressure on the Kingdom to which more than three decades we take a land that was not ours or yours. The limitations of pragmatic truth can emerge when things are done consistently and with commitment, when guiding the actions in this case, diplomatic and humanitarian, is the laziness, stupidity and not wanting to get wet, simply the 'realpolitik' is an excuse. And if that excuse just to claim the lives of Haidar then Morocco will be the culprit, of course, but also drop weight Spain awareness of the executioner, if by the innards of the Moncloa Palace and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not lost more than thirty years, the awareness of our historical debt of justice to the Sahara.


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