Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sore Throat 39 Weeks Pregnant

Pisuerga Taking advantage of the passes through the 25-N

Today is celebrated each November 25 as World Day against Gender Violence, a journey that, like all anniversaries demands, wants to open a space for reflection and tribute to a compromise that has to be all day, or not. The more than 50 women killed this year in Spain at the hands of their partners or former partners are actually cure raw enough to understand that this is just the tip of the iceberg many other forms of violence, rooted more subtle or more explicitly, in the still existing gender discrimination. A theme of this seriousness and magnitude calls for a rigorous and comprehensive in that what we are talking about is the tremendous structural inequality in our society and how to resolve it, denounce it and overcome it with concrete actions on the day to day.

Therefore, I fail to see the Manifesto on the occasion of 25-N of PCE that, through their movement within the network, I read this morning, with Speaking of his new secretary general José Luis Centella . I am aware I write these lines that can lead to being branded by some colleagues UI anticommunist dictator mccarthysta or apprentice worthy of gulag, so I want to clarify that I have no wish to be controversial, but simply to comment on a specific aspect which I find it alarming.

turns out that in this year when, on 31 October, there were already 49 women killed by their partners or former partners of gender violence and higher-data, "in 2009 in which we have confirmed that the age of offenders and victims are getting younger ; in these times of crisis that the feminization of precariousness and exclusion social cause many women victims of domestic violence have a much sharper economic dependence that prevents them from making the decision to start a new life away from her attacker, in this November 25 preceded by a controversial ruling that has seen a woman murdered by her boyfriend was not a case of domestic violence when dealing with an aggressor "too young" today, in short, we know that the security system built around the Law of Integral Protection Measures Gender violence has flaws and loopholes, welfare, education and prevention, the PCE has decided to focus his Manifesto with Nov. 25 plea in prostitution, according to the complaint, one of the "most violent manifestations of patriarchy." The

of Prostitution has always been a complicated and controversial debate within the feminist movement and, in general, left-wing organizations. My experience tells me that UI in this case, this intense debate, which could, as in any other subject, be very interesting and constructive-born somehow orchestrated by the consideration by the abolitionist position is the position- PCE official, but not only the PCE because there are no other abolitionist minority voices in this game, not only in people PCE-that every nuance in his speech on prostitution is nothing short of complicity in the murder of women, abuse or rape. Thus, when whoever is in front holding a position different from yours can not consider it or consider it a legitimate interlocutor, the debate is fruitless, if not downright dishonest.

In any case, I will not go here now to debate whether to abolish or regulate prostitution. It is a very complex debate, in which, precisely what are not too many nuances, which converge disordered relations of power, mercantilism, mafias, social constructions of sexuality, freedom in the experience of the body, lack of rights that pushes the exclusion, etc. I know also that recently held a conference at IU federal Area of \u200b\u200bWomen to advance a consensus position and clarified this matter, so that here and now I'm not going to comment on my opinion in particular.

What amazes me, unworthy and it seems inexplicable in equal measure, is that the PCE does not exist, with the view that there is nothing else than the Nov. 25 report that the phenomenon of prostitution or anything else to claim that "legislative change" in this regard. No mention, beyond a very general introduction to the reality of gender violence. I repeat: not a single mention.

And all with a paternalistic discourse that women are such prostitutes, but "prostitutes", ie prostitutes, what are "voluntary" or "forced" (where these terms so complicated, and I repeat that no want to go into the matter because it does not touch) are not active anyway subjects of law, nor likely because of greater recognition and dignity of citizenship or social status. It is truly awful that is to be abolitionist, regulation, or pataphysical mediopensionista, at this point is not understood, beyond the complexity of the phenomenon of prostitution and its legal treatment, illustrated the truth that never extend social rights and citizenship to those who are excluded or is or may be synonymous to chain.

I, November 25th, I'll take the Women's Manifesto United Left of the Community of Madrid , I think it appropriate, rigorous, complete with feet on the ground.


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