Thursday, November 5, 2009

Raiders Football Helmet Cake

Yes to Youth Health Center Rivas

Amid the biggest political crisis suffered by the Community of Madrid, as the obvious extension and institutional derivation of the economic crisis and speculative development model and perishable that has been in recent years, especially in our region, Machinery dismantling of public services of the regional government has not collapsed. Quite the contrary, as follow the same all the attacks, for example, public health remain "at peace marching merrily," and one of the crosses mark the Lord Güemes when not writing nonsense , seems to have fallen on Young Health Center in Rivas Vaciamadrid . The last straw for anti-social policy that not only extend, expand, enhance and improve public services with new resources, but to be cut and fulminate existing ones.

This Youth Health Centre is a pioneering application in the region, and still say that in the rest of the state, which for nearly two years has treated about 3,700 consultations and community activities for more than 4,500 young people between 12 and 25 years on care and prevention in sexual and reproductive health, drug addiction, habits healthy nutrition. The Center is located on the premises of the Youth House Asturias Park, one of the spaces in the network of youth centers of Rivas, which also is in a close environment for young people and their coverage Rivas does not cover only, but all the Area 1 Community Health in Madrid (23 municipalities, and 3 districts of Madrid city.) From City Hall Rivas Vaciamadrid, with UI and co-governed municipality with the PSOE, began on September 1 campaign to collect signatures to prevent the closure , and last week, the Municipal Council ruled against its closure.

But time is running out, and 31 December is just around the corner. It then runs the commitment of the Community of Madrid to keep it open, and so far, there has been uncertainty about whether to renew it ever more closely and contrasted regional decision to throw the closure. So loudly, action or protest is little ... Therefore, from Rivas IU Young have started a small information campaign, distribution of leaflets to protest, and a page on Facebook which already has over 300 members . Friday morning, Deputy Reyes Montiel, a spokesman for IU in the Youth Commission of the Assembly of Madrid, asked the Government of Esperanza Aguirre about his true intentions. And on Saturday, just Montiel Reyes and Councilman Pedro Del Cura Youth accompany us on an allocation of these leaflets in the market after 12 hours.

Hopefully these steps complete mobilization converge in a more comprehensive and majority for all citizens of Rivas reminded of Hope Aguirre whim privatization seriously affects our health.


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