Monday, December 13, 2010

Rectal Prolapse And Hemorrhoids

global warming does not expect Marx

average global temperature has risen 0.8 degrees Celsius over preindustrial levels. In Spain the figure rises to 1.5 ° C. And so on. Anyone with half a brain would understand that this is a major problem that requires us to stop looking the other way and act. While the governments of more than 190 countries have deployed these days on the board of Cancun a new shadow puppets dance to the rhythm of corporate interests and developers, the world is consumed and global warming will not wait.

and The Copenhagen summit was a fiasco and a year later, we see how the many loose ends in this world meeting were not only bound, but which extend in a headlong rush to truly alarming as Ecologist complaint Action, "is not set 1.5 ° C maximum temperature rise, the risk remains that there is no second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, are not set emission reduction commitments of industrialized countries consistent with science, not avoided the financial mechanisms to generate new debt through the payment of interest, deepens the dilution of common but differentiated responsibilities on climate change, and provides a blank check to adopt a document that includes sections that are defined in a future . The signing of a binding agreement has been postponed to a future summit in South Africa in 2011, but nothing guarantees that this will be, given the history of these international forums always seem to play a inconfensable goal: to be useless.

While, fortunately, there are those who did believes that global thinking and local action. Against the pessimism of reason, there is another side of the coin (although it seems that it always falls on the side of Copenhagen and Cancun) which shows the optimism of the will. In Rivas know that global warming is a problem scientifically amply contrasted, on which, increasingly, urge facts and answers rather than discussion. So we are already moving towards the horizon a city with zero CO2 emissions in 2030 within a comprehensive project of city that has drawn attention to the Secretary of State for Climate Change the English Government. Now the user must take note.


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