Tuesday, December 22, 2009

18 Birthday Debut Ideas

Thank you all for your input and Merry Christmas

From the Classroom would like to thank the great reception Toy collection and sale of chocolates we have done to benefit Children's Villages. On Sunday 20 we come to the village to deliver toys dressed as clowns (as usual in us), performing various entertainment activities and a snack for the kids who live there. The result has been incredible and we appreciate your contribution, with special mention of Fernando, a teacher's Villages and without whom this would not have been possible. Incidentally

take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, when that spirit of solidarity is reborn and must be kept alive throughout the year. A warm hug, thank you very much at all / as and you go with our best wishes.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Houston Cruising Areas

The metropolitan city San Miguelito

Panama City after the housing boom, which lasted from about 2005 until well into 2008, was an era of urban transformation which was rather a growth in housing infrastructure in the city, because mainly to a growing international demand for foreign real estate investors and the immediate and apparent profit resulting therefrom. State action to accompany the increase in the number of buildings are reflected in a series of works rather adequacy and expansion of roads and bridges in addition to the Cinta Costera project, a development project that is still one of the badges works inherited from the past administration Torrijos.
Many offices of architects and construction companies (including the union of civil engineers) have made their good fortune. Some are bound professionally by the magnitude of projects (size) under their responsibility but also because there are nuances in this area are being carried out smaller-scale projects of great complexity as Biodiveridad Museum in Amador.
The change of government has also brought some project ideas to the fore. A meter that promises to alleviate the issue of transport to replace the third-traumatic and system that has had the city for years, a project that comes very late but that will yield benefits for medium and long term more than we could imagine at this time. No wonder shortsightedness of city and country much less medium and long term of our former ruling party with its five-year programs.
The metro will bring mobility and benefits more quickly and effectively to specific key points. Also in a city where the naming and signage is poor, will force managers to think of how people are targeted and direct, they will have to make maps use and the user will have to learn to use and therefore to know. As an initial program has hired a consultant to propose several subway lines Therefore, allowing the mobilization of public transport cross. Metro lines should aim to eliminate the east-west that dominates the current transport and multi-turn to a web in order to encourage the public from all walks of life use public transport. This will make it possible to continue with the densification of the downtown with a residential program housing in vertical, led to a change in strategy in the design of the avenues so as to propose generous, tree-lined pedestrian for environmental temperature control.
The metro is being seen as an issue of how to bring the masses of urban workers dormitories San Miguelito, Juan Díaz, Pedregal Tocumen and toward the center of the city, leaving the center and relieve congested routes access to the center. I propose that it is quite the opposite.
to approach to the periphery to mothers around the perimeter stations downtown and from there by underground branching.

As for the route I propose the following lines and stations :
Line 1: Plaza 5 May Plaza Porras, Urraca Park, Marbella / Old School Mary Immaculate / Clinic Hospital Paitilla, Multiplaza / Punta Pacifica, Atlapa, Panama Viejo, Costa del Este, Ciudad Radial, Don Bosco, Tocumen International Airport.
Line 2: Balboa, Albrook Terminal, Caja de Seguro Social / Universidad de Panama, Via Ricardo J. Alfaro / Avenida La Amistad / Plaza S. XXI, Centro Comercial El Dorado, Tumba Muerto / Via Puente Centenario, FETV / Private Universities, Hospital San Miguel Archangel.
Line 3: Los Angeles / Via La Amistad / Tumba Muerto, Vía Transístmica / Via Brazil, Brazil Via Obarrio / Calle 50, Multiplaza / Punta Pacifica.
Line 4: Paradise / Centennial Bridge Road, Avenida La Paz / Transistmica Kienner, Avenida Oct. 12 / Via Spain, Panama Viejo.
Line 5: Tram Caseway Amador, Ancon, Chorrillo, Santa Ana / Avenue B / San Felipe, Plaza Porras, Via Spain / Iglesia del Carmen, Vista Hermosa, Parque Lefevre, Rio Abajo, Juan Diaz, Los Pueblos .
Another project proposed by the new city government is the government that comes to resurrect an old blueprint developed by the firm Clement and Medina (again was awarded the contract, but was canceled by indiscretion) to group together in one government institutions, then occupying the lands of the runway and the airport at Albrook.
projects groupings of government buildings is already proven in many countries that make ghost towns, empty offices and buildings in the night hours and the streets and parks occupied as a dormitory for the homeless. Government buildings are to be scattered throughout the city, well designed, they are a decent representation of citizen power.
here include a particular example of occupation of a building that was used and by sub for reform and conditioning has become a neighborhood revive worn as Bella Vista. This is the new home of the mayor of Panama.
This is an excellent example of how a government agency falls within a pre-existing urban fabric. Otherwise, and it is unfortunate to be the occupation of other buildings of the former Canal Zone as the ARI, Ministry of Education, Social Security Fund, Ministry of Health and the judiciary. In such cases have not been studied and clearly needs the level of improvisation for the use of these infrastructures. Thus
Panama City, always conjectural and improvised, used to urban issues but as a proposal, on a route escape their own suffocation.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Buying Pain Killers Online For My Dog

The classroom space is already 10 dicembre

Dear classmates, from the classroom this week is based in the Faculty of Education, Module B, near the central building, and just one floor below the goal of the module. For more sign is next to the library's main building, and if in doubt you can send us an email to indicaros in more detail. Meetings of the classroom, it will lso Thursday from 17:00 in the space.

A hug.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Illegal Softball Bats

Academy Aminetu A huge hug from Rivas

Yesterday, the municipal auditorium in Rivas Vaciamadrid Pilar Bardem hosted an emotional homage and solidarity with Haidar, the Sahrawi human rights activist who has two weeks on hunger strike at the airport in Lanzarote, undercover in an abduction by the English Government, after the Moroccan authorities not to return to his home with his family, in the Sahara occupied by the tyrannical reign Alawi. Aminetu history has returned to put a face on the front line for the shameful journey in the wilderness, and never better, the Saharawi people, who left Spain in the lurch over 30 years. With her and the entire Sahara were yesterday many people (i guess, that over six hours of the event, over a thousand locations Pilar Bardem spent about two thousand attendees), vibrating with the music and words engaged in a variety of artists, from Bebe Macaco, through Amaral, Pedro Almodovar, Juan Diego, Juan Diego Botto, Kiko Veneno, Pilar Bardem, Muchachito Bombo Infierno, Miguel Rios Paca Gabaldon, Gonzalo de Castro and Carmen Paris, etc.

One of the hardest times, and sadly ironic illustration of the concert was reading a speech in 1976 by a young English political leader, then "only" PSOE Secretary General of Felipe Gonzalez in the Saharawi refugee camps, in which he remarked on his party's commitment to justice and the dignity of the Saharawi people, and his word to accompany him in his fight to victory. You can read it here. What a scoundrel.

Beyond the Saharawi cause most just, I think it has to get back on the political agenda in prominent relief and this has contributed this courageous woman, the case of Haidar is a flagrant assault on human rights, and hopefully, as Saramago said in his precious letter as Almodovar and others recalled yesterday and as many who took the floor, be no need to turn off her life because people like her are the essential who wrote Bertolt Brecht.

do not understand this kind of diplomatic whirlwind in which he plays around the English government, meeting with her, offering various options to undo the mess he has set himself Moratinos. Enough to negotiate with Aminetu, lords and ladies of the Government: Look towards On the other hand, in this country whose despotic king exercises a dictatorship with an iron hand (a hand is enough, to greet each other fraternally with ours), and negotiate and exert pressure on the Kingdom to which more than three decades we take a land that was not ours or yours. The limitations of pragmatic truth can emerge when things are done consistently and with commitment, when guiding the actions in this case, diplomatic and humanitarian, is the laziness, stupidity and not wanting to get wet, simply the 'realpolitik' is an excuse. And if that excuse just to claim the lives of Haidar then Morocco will be the culprit, of course, but also drop weight Spain awareness of the executioner, if by the innards of the Moncloa Palace and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not lost more than thirty years, the awareness of our historical debt of justice to the Sahara.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Pdaphone Wifi Fm Transmitter Or Radio

going to pass something in the ULL ... Toy Collection

... in all campus, all day ... you will not let the classroom indifferent ...

What Does Ee And D Stand For In Width

Children's Villages

occasion of the upcoming holiday season, and to bring some light to those deprived of it, we will in the corridors of central edficio a collection of toys to be allocated to this sister organization. Is therefore that from the afternoon of Wednesday 3 december until 18 months identified, there will be a large box outside the central library and the classroom at different times have members of the same selling hot chocolate, cookies and other, time can advantage to know, besides leaving an information panel or classroom stable although we are not present you can contact us. With the money and toys collected will make a meeting with children (and those who are not so much) of this association as well, which we will deliver the gift shops and, yes, true to our spirit with a touch of clown. Seize

to share with us and to show solidarity on dates in which very little we can do immensity others happy !!!!! Good

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sore Throat 39 Weeks Pregnant

Pisuerga Taking advantage of the passes through the 25-N

Today is celebrated each November 25 as World Day against Gender Violence, a journey that, like all anniversaries demands, wants to open a space for reflection and tribute to a compromise that has to be all day, or not. The more than 50 women killed this year in Spain at the hands of their partners or former partners are actually cure raw enough to understand that this is just the tip of the iceberg many other forms of violence, rooted more subtle or more explicitly, in the still existing gender discrimination. A theme of this seriousness and magnitude calls for a rigorous and comprehensive in that what we are talking about is the tremendous structural inequality in our society and how to resolve it, denounce it and overcome it with concrete actions on the day to day.

Therefore, I fail to see the Manifesto on the occasion of 25-N of PCE that, through their movement within the network, I read this morning, with Speaking of his new secretary general José Luis Centella . I am aware I write these lines that can lead to being branded by some colleagues UI anticommunist dictator mccarthysta or apprentice worthy of gulag, so I want to clarify that I have no wish to be controversial, but simply to comment on a specific aspect which I find it alarming.

turns out that in this year when, on 31 October, there were already 49 women killed by their partners or former partners of gender violence and higher-data, "in 2009 in which we have confirmed that the age of offenders and victims are getting younger ; in these times of crisis that the feminization of precariousness and exclusion social cause many women victims of domestic violence have a much sharper economic dependence that prevents them from making the decision to start a new life away from her attacker, in this November 25 preceded by a controversial ruling that has seen a woman murdered by her boyfriend was not a case of domestic violence when dealing with an aggressor "too young" today, in short, we know that the security system built around the Law of Integral Protection Measures Gender violence has flaws and loopholes, welfare, education and prevention, the PCE has decided to focus his Manifesto with Nov. 25 plea in prostitution, according to the complaint, one of the "most violent manifestations of patriarchy." The

of Prostitution has always been a complicated and controversial debate within the feminist movement and, in general, left-wing organizations. My experience tells me that UI in this case, this intense debate, which could, as in any other subject, be very interesting and constructive-born somehow orchestrated by the consideration by the abolitionist position is the position- PCE official, but not only the PCE because there are no other abolitionist minority voices in this game, not only in people PCE-that every nuance in his speech on prostitution is nothing short of complicity in the murder of women, abuse or rape. Thus, when whoever is in front holding a position different from yours can not consider it or consider it a legitimate interlocutor, the debate is fruitless, if not downright dishonest.

In any case, I will not go here now to debate whether to abolish or regulate prostitution. It is a very complex debate, in which, precisely what are not too many nuances, which converge disordered relations of power, mercantilism, mafias, social constructions of sexuality, freedom in the experience of the body, lack of rights that pushes the exclusion, etc. I know also that recently held a conference at IU federal Area of \u200b\u200bWomen to advance a consensus position and clarified this matter, so that here and now I'm not going to comment on my opinion in particular.

What amazes me, unworthy and it seems inexplicable in equal measure, is that the PCE does not exist, with the view that there is nothing else than the Nov. 25 report that the phenomenon of prostitution or anything else to claim that "legislative change" in this regard. No mention, beyond a very general introduction to the reality of gender violence. I repeat: not a single mention.

And all with a paternalistic discourse that women are such prostitutes, but "prostitutes", ie prostitutes, what are "voluntary" or "forced" (where these terms so complicated, and I repeat that no want to go into the matter because it does not touch) are not active anyway subjects of law, nor likely because of greater recognition and dignity of citizenship or social status. It is truly awful that is to be abolitionist, regulation, or pataphysical mediopensionista, at this point is not understood, beyond the complexity of the phenomenon of prostitution and its legal treatment, illustrated the truth that never extend social rights and citizenship to those who are excluded or is or may be synonymous to chain.

I, November 25th, I'll take the Women's Manifesto United Left of the Community of Madrid , I think it appropriate, rigorous, complete with feet on the ground.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lorena Herrera En Minifalda Fotos


to everyone, this year the classroom is re-launching the new group is forming in April of this year, and this year has already been a few months of travel. We are immersed in the development of thousands of projects for this course and in conducting dissemination activities and other issues. If you are interested in participating or supportive in principle concerns are staying in the cafeteria at Central on Thursdays at 17:00 to meet in a nearby classroom.

For any questions you have our email, which I repeat here:


A hug and hope to meet soon ...

... what we do for us will go with us, but what we do by and for the world and others is immortal ... Today

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Raiders Football Helmet Cake

Yes to Youth Health Center Rivas

Amid the biggest political crisis suffered by the Community of Madrid, as the obvious extension and institutional derivation of the economic crisis and speculative development model and perishable that has been in recent years, especially in our region, Machinery dismantling of public services of the regional government has not collapsed. Quite the contrary, as follow the same all the attacks, for example, public health remain "at peace marching merrily," and one of the crosses mark the Lord Güemes when not writing nonsense , seems to have fallen on Young Health Center in Rivas Vaciamadrid . The last straw for anti-social policy that not only extend, expand, enhance and improve public services with new resources, but to be cut and fulminate existing ones.

This Youth Health Centre is a pioneering application in the region, and still say that in the rest of the state, which for nearly two years has treated about 3,700 consultations and community activities for more than 4,500 young people between 12 and 25 years on care and prevention in sexual and reproductive health, drug addiction, habits healthy nutrition. The Center is located on the premises of the Youth House Asturias Park, one of the spaces in the network of youth centers of Rivas, which also is in a close environment for young people and their coverage Rivas does not cover only, but all the Area 1 Community Health in Madrid (23 municipalities, and 3 districts of Madrid city.) From City Hall Rivas Vaciamadrid, with UI and co-governed municipality with the PSOE, began on September 1 campaign to collect signatures to prevent the closure , and last week, the Municipal Council ruled against its closure.

But time is running out, and 31 December is just around the corner. It then runs the commitment of the Community of Madrid to keep it open, and so far, there has been uncertainty about whether to renew it ever more closely and contrasted regional decision to throw the closure. So loudly, action or protest is little ... Therefore, from Rivas IU Young have started a small information campaign, distribution of leaflets to protest, and a page on Facebook which already has over 300 members . Friday morning, Deputy Reyes Montiel, a spokesman for IU in the Youth Commission of the Assembly of Madrid, asked the Government of Esperanza Aguirre about his true intentions. And on Saturday, just Montiel Reyes and Councilman Pedro Del Cura Youth accompany us on an allocation of these leaflets in the market after 12 hours.

Hopefully these steps complete mobilization converge in a more comprehensive and majority for all citizens of Rivas reminded of Hope Aguirre whim privatization seriously affects our health.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mumbai Gay Cruising Spots

The 'green shoots' of Benidorm, things clear and chocolate thick Vetusta

At the suggestion of my friend Paul Urbiola , I read the article Enric González published today in El Pais, and the truth, no matter how admirable I think its force, there something that makes me think beyond the facts and the opinion itself exposes. Given the surprise to me because someone speaks well of course I wonder, why is it so rare for people to speak loud and clear?

Read, read article Enric González, and saying, you also loud and clear.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tree Trucks Fingerboards

Morla: morning, Rivas ...

The English group
revelation comes to Rivas to open the 'find' fat Feasts of September ... Every man for himself!

Tomorrow, Thursday, September 10, from 22 pm in the Auditorium Miguel River from the new fair. Free admission.

And who can come into the auditorium from 20.30 hours, who knows next to inaugurate ... Miguel Ríos! And in the shelter of the United Left can do ;-)

How Long From Hole Removed Mole To Fill In

PSM Thomas Gomez, increasingly less reliable

The first news we had of Thomas Gomez in the performance of his duties as Secretary General of the Socialist Party in Madrid, was the Esperanza Aguirre invitation to welcome him and converse with him about the human and divine 'is our community. " Far from being limited to exchange views and take a picture together to immortalize how well that can be the leaders of two political parties vying for power, the meeting transpired so then we knew it would be only the first, shall we say-' Tomasa '. The news was not the meeting itself, but the proposal Gómez star Presidentísima had moved to fresh air as a sign that their 'new socialism' brought to Madrid: 'Nah, you Hey, Mrs. Hope, what are you waiting to remove the estate tax? " . Since then there have been few occasions when many of us have asked if Gomez was involved in directing the designs of the Socialist Party in Madrid or a new 'think tank' in the service of PP cat. The PSM leader juggling about the Cañada Real Galiana begin to provide enough material for an anthology of nonsense.

Thomas Gomez And it has proven itself capable of saying one thing and its opposite, or worse, out by the tangent of the trial balloons and then permanently confused the 'sense of state "-that pompous mixture of responsibility and institutional loyalty to the adversary, above political differences to the adversary, with tail-complexed and without any argument to the policies of Esperanza Aguirre. The last example we have had with the Cañada Real Galiana, that over this summer has been one of the central themes of regional information. The problem, carried and nurtured for several decades, illegal settlements in this track livestock, converted into a crucible of public land speculation, environmental degradation, white collar crime, illegal economic activity, mansions and slums, ostentation and social exclusion seemed to see light at the end of the tunnel due to pressure, among others, the Municipality of Rivas, who arrived earlier this year submitted an application for judicial review of the regional government for its dereliction of duties as the holder and owner of these public lands .

That complaint was the straw that broke the camel's passivity de Esperanza Aguirre, and as part of a negotiating table with the participation of the Community itself, affected municipalities and central government delegation, he went forward towards a consensual solution and coordinated to address all edges (legal, urban, environmental, social and security) of this complex case. Well, from night to morning, surprise and betrayal, the Socialist Party in Madrid Thomas Gomez filed a law outside of that negotiating table, a law whose content is now insignificant and unimportant, but that ended in seriously threaten the continuation of negotiations. Fortunately, finally caught on an agreement between the administrations concerned, giving full power planning for a year to the councils to sort the sections of the municipal Cañada, previous census to analyze the cases of social need for the competent administration - the Community of Madrid-manage the integration and resettlement policies that were required. This placed the city of Rivas Vaciamadrid closer than ever to the historic task of dismantling the settlements and regeneration as green space in the Glen.

Since that agreement was reached, the PSOE voices have gone from branded as 'antisocial' to finally recognize its value and then build the maneuver rag unilateral proposal submitted by the PSM as the spur that was needed to push and reach final consensus. Even Thomas Gomez announced this weekend at a rally that the Socialist Group in the Assembly of Madrid, support the law. But when Monday knew that the Government the Community of Madrid had breached the agreement approving a bill away from the terms agreed with the municipalities and the Government Office, also missed the game Jiminy Cricket Tomas Gomez pulled from the trunk of memories unilateral proposal PSM wielding that "yes it was good" for their high social and forth to say that how we came to the rest of us mortals trusted to Esperanza Aguirre (which, on the other hand, it is still true, although in list of those we trust also had a mayor and a government delegate of the party of Thomas Gomez). Even the PSOE de Rivas took the unilateral rupture the agreement by the Presidentísima Aguirre to reading these lines, a bit convoluted and very consumption.

But alas, Thomas Gomez has again drawn a manga as unexpected, unexpected for their own co-rows, and distance themselves away from the proposal that Aguirre has taken a poke to the agreement, has come to play down-with-a superb awesome the demands of the municipalities, as if they come from, were a kind of localism and corporatism redneck, "and announced that" has no difficulty with the regional government "by the proposal has presented and, yes, in a gesture touching, expected to be able to reach an agreement with local councils to introduce "some minor modification, although his group has already decided to uphold the law: making chestnut.

If his own party, present in many municipalities in Madrid, it can and can increasingly rely on less-Thomas Gomez because they let the child breathe, as we say colloquially, with your ass in the air, what to expect from the rest of the left in Madrid, and Madrid society in general? And if the problem was just lack of confidence and credibility, bad Andari. But when you're talking about decisions that can lead to very harmful policies that exacerbate serious problems, as in the case of the Cañada Real Galiana, sencillamante, is inadmissible.

hope to reverse this new aggression by Esperanza Aguirre, despite Thomas Gomez.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wrestlers Leg Syndrome

Life Original Subtitulada

On Sunday I took the afternoon watching 'VOS - Original Version Subtitled' , the latest film by Cesc Gay. Ya, ya know, I hasten to more places in the news of the billboard, which is not a very recent release, but had been letting go and decided to close the weekend paying off debt with my love of film of this Catalan handed me a mirror of tenderness in 'Krámpack' and blood made me stand with the subtlety of 'In the City' . And, really, if your last job ( 'Fiction' ) had left me a bit cold, I must confess that 'VOS' I loved it.

The film reflects on how to tell a story, but that 'how', and hence the uniqueness and potential of the film, is not confined to the narrative formula, structure, building a speech; Cesc Gay does not stop at giving lessons in narrative film or script, but addresses the raw material of history itself, that that moves us to say something and, going beyond the trite and stories about the conflict between reality and fiction or the nuances between comedy and drama, gives us an elaborate hymn to life. But beware: I do not mean a display of sensitivity goodism optimistic or gimmicky. It is a hymn to life in so far as this-though not necessarily 'beautiful', with permission from Roberto Benigni, "deserves to be told. In this complex

board four characters are moved under the long shadow of the better Woody Allen, in a microcosm where the pulses on the subject of love, friendship, loneliness, or the routine of the couple, or win or lose, just transform. And few things can be so materials, as physical-and chemical-like not only the threads that move and motivate us human relationships also tells us that 'YOU'. And all this in a scenario where things pass as life itself and also as in the process of writing a script or a film with the same characters jumping the barrier of the stage and devouring scenery and equipment each pulse and technical decision makers.

I can not conclude without highlighting the work of four musicians, but especially of the two actresses, Agata Roca and Vicenta Ndongo. In a word, huge.

'VOS - Original Version Subtitled' (based on a play, to me unknown, Carol Lopez ) is not as original and innovative as intended in the formal, but as history itself seems to me stronger and more powerful than most reviews I read were taken into account. So, being a humble and personal opinion, I recommend you do not fail to see it. It is also stylish and cool comedy, which, as things stand, thanks.

Jock Clip Art From Lady And The Tramp

The 'realpolitik' fiscal irresponsibility of the government or

There is a continual spring PSOE defensive at the slightest critical voice from the left to the management central government, which is summarized in claiming that beyond the utopian world of ideas in which-presumably-living comfortably installed on the left pure, mud splashes on the stark reality of good intentions and imposes limits on how we would like things were. It is true that often there are things that we are given and conditioned to attempts to change bad, but it's become apparent that this argument as appellant is just giving his face, too, with reality itself. This is when politics becomes divorced from any theory, principle and long-term strategy, and ends adjusted to the situation and schizophrenia Indeed, in a poor caricature of the German notion of ' realpolitik' . And any alternative proposal is returned, with a quick reflection of a backhand and scrawny cry "it's very nice to theorize, but life is not so."

However, the central government takes too much time sweating the shirt with such racket of this kind, mainly in the economic and more particularly in fiscal policy, as we have seen these last weeks of rumors, announcements, improvisations, denials and balloons probe-contradictory. One day, Pepe Blanco ' thinks aloud that perhaps it is time to start thinking that maybe it is almost time to put up the table the possibility of raising it at this point not a bad idea to propose ' a tax increase on wealthy and privileged. Quickly Blanco himself is quick to stress that it is "a personal opinion, and from there, everything has been lurching. Discuss

possible tax reforms in the current scenario of economic crisis requires us to look back a little and see how the central government has acted in recent years. Since the PSOE came to power in 2004, with unsubstantiated claims of "Lower taxes is left ', the maximum personal income tax has fallen from 45% to 43%, has eliminated the tax heritage, has established a single rate of 18% for capital income and has not touched the control of the company, despite the surreal situations that occur with so-called 'investment company with variable capital', which are taxed at 1% and present a loophole for large fortunes. I remember days back, incorporating views on how they are taking the latest developments, other voices in the blogosphere, as Paul Urbiola ( here , here and here ) , Sira , my Mr father or today, Don Ricardo .

This I do not know if it's left or right, it is clear that, regardless even of ideological values, the resulting fiscal model has left the public finances in a state of extreme weakness to address the economic crisis. Conclusion: not only that we have a tax system more regressive than the left by the PP, is that the government's record in this matter has been of profound irresponsibility and ineffectiveness.

A whimsical cuts hit without an overview, and deals indiscriminate returns and checks to consume in the wild market (rather than strengthening public services), we have what we have. You can follow grasping straws of 'realpolitik' with which it has become dangerously tax system (to the point of questioning, in fact, the effect of redistribution of wealth that gives the Constitution), to the dictates of the siren PP, or left to juggle and move from words to deeds. Sometimes I like to head Zapatero to know which way you think shooting. The problem is that everything seems to depend on a coin toss. Hopefully next fall the least bad.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wake Up Gasping For Air

welcome, welcome to join miniperiódico

has returned from Senegal and Mauritania on travel as the course starts educativo.En enjoy getting the experience we bring and preparing the next.

After Market Baja Motorsport Parts

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Click on the image to access the website and download the DINA-4 resultón

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rash Between Lips And Nose

"other assault" (story)

I wanted to know what you meant when he proclaimed that he had no shame or had known. I got to test your judgments about my supposed lack of modesty. What the hell you'd know if you did not know me or the minimum approach beyond your prejudices about the precariousness of the values \u200b\u200band honor today. And yet, I always found fun trying to secretly rebel against your prudish outlook on life.

discovered my own body through a classmate in sixth grade, when at recess we would hide in the bathroom of the girls and still far from a definite sexual desire, we filled the border feeling something like freedom.

Some years later, I watched through the window of the bathroom, how they showered a neighbor's house front, while you rush I got from the kitchen for me to sit at the table.

time the cousin Juan asked me to teach him to kiss with tongue, I had broken some hearts and rehearsed over a plunging neckline, and I will not talk now, grandma, my first time, because even though you just die I do not think you have the body to great turbulence.

Yes I can say that none of those silly stories that I have served as allies in the adventure of growing, and I repeat, no, I came to feel truly transgressive. I have never lived up to my claims challenging, and I noticed that conquer the off-limits for your moral. Then I do not know, exactly what those notions of modesty and decency and modesty of which escaped me at your convenience. Somehow, my confusion does not stop to confirm that you were right, Grandma, I have no shame nor have ever met.

But what things go, Granny. In my twenty years, knowing that you are empty of life, my thoughts crash against the glass partition to which you watch all the family, I've been hit by a horrible obscenity. Nothing to do with your rusty moral standards. Today I learned that, no matter what the shame that you mean, there is another quite obvious: the necessary dignity that demands our recollection which has been ...

And, silly me, I can not help thinking, but who has painted you well, Grandma? Who has left as a fucking door? Who has decided exhibirte already dead with the case open and a look that is not yours? Who are you and why you want to stay as the last image you see my grandmother?

The most shocking is that the rest of the family seems determined not to notice. That, and I can not stop looking at your coffin uncovered traces of you looking at that face. I have no shame nor have ever met.

How absurd that you had to die for me to realize the time I have lost midiéndome with something as volatile as the assault.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Price Vegetable Oil Gallon

against heat, Billy Wilder

I propose something, something to warm summer nights, those in which the windows of the houses are open wide, hoping to steal a slight breeze at dawn. One suggestion for those long nights: a film by Billy Wilder. They are good for the soul.
That we recommend the always interesting Roque in his blog cinefilísimo , and I can not agree more. So you know, if the temperatures climb, throw the film library. Billy Wilder is always a refreshing and lucid security. So, good for the soul.

How To Get Sticker Off Cotton

Thomas Gomez is angry and not breathing Go

goes without saying that the treatment of information that make media Digital Freedom as Telemadrid or anything, including Thomas Gomez and his leadership (sic) Socialist Party in Madrid, I feel a tremendous handling. There is a prejudice, it is a fact: they are media that have crossed the thin line that separates the partiality of the lack of rigor and journalistic ethics. I realize that objectivity does not exist or need to do, and personally I think the left, the subjectivity of half right-wing editorial line lift me logical discrepancies. But do not talk about that, but the turmoil glib to which you do not mind missing the truth. In that, the aforementioned means are truly marvelous curriculum.

Now, this can not justify the evil forms or attempt to discredit the professionals doing their job. PSM general secretary made his a frock coat, and decided that, as you do not like how they collect their work the media, was a good idea to shout at a news conference. Faced with uncomfortable questions, Gomez threw the middle road and loaded the slab on the editorial writers that it is not difficult, for those who know a little about the world of journalism fellows who are below the seiscientoseurismo barely survive. In the end, finished ridiculing (trying, I mean) up to a journalist with El Pais.

And above all, is very unwise. I guess Gomez would keep the sea at home with his jokes, but has not done more to feed the monster so much criticism. And the image given in the end, is someone who abuses who did not pass his hand over his back, and worse, that of someone who throws all the blame for their mistakes and lack of projection to empedrao.

How Do You Erase History On Direct Tv

week ...

... And no, I mean the comedy program for ETB Basque public television, but the intense program of activities, from Wednesday to Sunday, happen in Rivas, during Sustainability Week. They have already talked about it my father and Dona Reyes, this week is a strategic project milestones and comprehensive municipal Ecopolis Rivas, an ambitious program of measures and initiatives that seek to rethink the immediate area we live in the city to make a bit in the fight against global warming. Popular science, social awareness, the stimulation of new patterns of economic activity, public participation ... are pieces of a complex puzzle of daily work along this week, Rivas will make a meeting, debate and exposure among the residents, the City, the business local NGOs such as Greenpeace and Ecologists in Action, the National Research Council, and so on .

I said, go semanita !

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Complete Set Denise Milani

radiates May 26, 2009 19/05/2009

From Tenerife: Manolo, Aurelio, Pili, Arianna, Beni, Sara and Rafa
From Guinea Bissau: Albertinho
From Senegal: Amadou Ba

min.10 Aula de Solidaridad Sara talks about the campaign they have started at the University to enable the participation min.17
talk about human rights violations Sahara
min.20 Sara talks about the development of a visit to a Centre for Foreigners
min.1 : 03 Amadou an overview of the history of their participation in the Solidarity Hall
min Amadou 1:08 speaks of the serious situation we are experiencing an affront to gay and lesbian families desecration bodies
min.1: 35 Albertinho Amadou and coordinate to find teachers in their countries to communicate live on a teacher training of La Gomera on 8, 9 and 10 June
min. Albertinho 1:20 tells us today in Guinea Bissau
min. 1:43 Antonio announces the Canary Day celebration in Genetics and sings a song

Monday, May 25, 2009

Fastest Digital Point And Shoot Camera

IRRADIO start with Benedetti and we connect with the world

from min. 26 Albertinho (member of a youth network in Guinea-Bissau and Radio Jovem) tells the social and political situation in his country with special focus on youth.
from entering min 46 Amadou from Senegal and Mora from Mexico
in min. 63 Juan Carlos comes from Tenerife
in min. 66 entered Verónica to talk NosoMundo project of the NGO Ataman

In the final part of the program come from La Palma, Oti, a professor at the Solidarity Network of Schools of La Palma and artist Menchu. In addition Ajayu from Indymedia Sucre tells us how they are processed former President of Bolivia .

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How Do U Get Macular Degeneration

The Solidarity Hall in press (07-05-2009)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lidocaine Hydrochloride Jelly On Cut

radiates with Mexico, Guinea Bissau, Coruña, Valencia and other things (May 5, 2009) New to

- Gabriel Blight tells us of interesting activities in La Coruña
- Mora live from Mexico is a strange situation
influenza - Richard tells us what immigrants and supporters live because of eviction from the factory in Valencia .

If you want to download the audio click HERE

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Church Anniversary Program Ad

Solidarity Hall logo? OPINION !!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡

Whre Can I Buy Ladybugs

messages to people held in ICE: Volunteer Days at ULL (Wednesday April 22 2009) New moves the classroom

To download this video click HERE

Splatter Paint Bedding

messages to people held in ICE: Meeting of Philosophy at the ULL (Wednesday April 29, 2009)

To download this video go HERE

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Letter Of Interest Sample Franchise

Dear classmates, I advised that the classroom is suffering Solidarity a new resurgence you are invited to all key stakeholders in the construction of this new path we are starting. Is therefore that I encourage you to display interest and desire to change the world, the truth and all things considered, he needs a coat of paint and a few reforms. To this end we ask your cooperation and dedication to this cause that we unite and we fight with humility and hope in the hope of undertaking new projects.

projects among which we highlight the following to make short and medium term:
-Benefit Concert with various related activities.
-mutually supportive cooperation.
-poetry competitions and other themed stories solidarity.
-awareness at work all

................ and the list just post it here too you have your space and you are encouraged to participate in this endeavor. You can contact us through this blog or by going on Tuesdays from 15:00 in the hall of a room for Guajara front hall of the same.

A hug and hope see you soon.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Best Receivers With Hdmi

photo. Luis Alfaro, Thesis Project, Isthmus, 2007.
San Miguelito is now a vibrant group of communities of different denominations (Los Andes, San Isidro, Mano de Piedra, Indian Summer, etc) in the aftermath of the city that serves as dormitory housing for much of the labor force Panama City. It consists of a series of neighborhoods dispero spontaneously on two main ways, by Isthmian and Domingo Diaz. On both sides emerge a series of farmhouses. I was the first such intervention state as was the case of the Andes, but almost most of this territory has maintained the characteristics of informal urbanization controlled by its residents with little or minimal formal involvement of city planners, private or state regulation. The government side has come to provide and regulate services such as electricity, potable water and sanitary infrastructure to where it has been possible in a space that was previously planned and ho has emerged from the need of the families of the occupants to be many times outside finance market and house purchase in another sector and the somatostatin family. Politically
San Miguelito also consists other territories developed by private enterprise, Villa Lucre, Brisas del Golf, Cerro Viento, San Antonio neighborhoods and camps that are single-family homes that despite being strictly organized spontaneity lacking basic services and urban appeal. Both models, quite opposite to each other due to urban sprawl share some borders that make the whole or the urban experience becomes more urban contradictions where respite or relief from the same happens when residents come out of it, I mean the center of the city \u200b\u200band experience the urban environment. The density and development of these communities has brought the company's investment only commercial MiniMalls installing or shopping malls that offer a bit of that order or quality of services offered downtown. A shaft interesting is what is known as the Grand Station is a collection of shopping centers, most terrible construction quality, taking advantage of the large trade flows. The simple representation of the state is irrelevant features having no responsibility, his status as a "special district of San Miguelito" makes the name I have no special significance and constitute an excuse for doing nothing.
Despite this background the San Miguelito has a very interesting environment where coexistence converge many expressions of local values \u200b\u200band where I think even intervention is possible and all the urban participation in urban upgrading. Definitely not interested in these territories rather than people who want to profit from it and its inhabitants.