Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Knights of San Clemente and San Fernando.

We have received in this House Trunk the second issue of the Journal CLEMENTINVM, press organ of the Knights of San Clemente and San Fernando de Sevilla. Institution to which he detailed in our entry for September 19 of last 2010.

CLEMENTINVM, directed by D. Antonio Maria Gonzalez-Pacheco and Vazquez, President and Ruler of San Clemente and San Fernando "is a colorful magazine packed with juicy content, very much in the cultural, human and religious men who demonstrate these Seville.
From recommend reading this blog, as page to page, if you do like I did, I will be giving away a pleasant stroll through the culture, history and religion in Spain.
Canvas old San Fernando, which is in the Cistercian Monastery of San Clemente.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dualit Toaster Diagram


We present general today to inform our readers and friends a brief Curriculum Vitae of Senior Archivist our Trunk House, Don José Antonio Martín de Marco, a pro Soria, proud of it, City Archivist Soria, where the largest amount on deposit Documentation of the Twelve lineages and a leading authority on the knowledge of this noble institution.

D. José Antonio Martín de Marco.
Born in Cabrejas del Campo (Soria), 1953. Scale is the Technical Officer. Soria City Archivist, for Opposition. Belongs Sorianos Studies Center, Council for Scientific Research and Science Foundation of the Caja Rural Provincial de Soria. Tutors at the UNED, has four university degrees: two in Zaragoza and two in the Complutense University of Madrid. Ex - Attorney of Castile and Leon, is Chevalier de Yuste and Honorary Knight of the Order of Mary of Hungary, while in possession of several appointments, citations and awards that have rewarded his prolific creative work.
The love he calls his "motherland", his hometown, his Soria, is latent in all books, twenty-nine so far, with several figures prefaced by the likes of Camilo Jose Cela (Nobel Prize), F. Sanchez Drago (National Literature Prize), or English University Professors, Soria personalities of culture, economics, politics. So, has chronicled the major institutions Soriano: La Casa Trunk Bloodlines, 1990, (referring to this institution, exhausted in two months, and pioneer in modern literature on this subject, presented in the Plenary Hall of the Hon. Ayuntamiento de Soria by the President of the Cortes de Castilla y León, Mr. Sanchez Reyes de Palacio), the Common Neighborhood, the Commonwealth of 150 People of the Land of Soria, the City, the County Council ... and other highly topical case-Numancia Friendship Circle (first honorary member following the appointment as such by Gerardo Diego), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( Epifanio presented by Brieva Ridruejo was Director General of the Central Bank, holding the commemorative medal of the same) Red Cross CES ... not to mention the profound ethnographic analysis - sociological facts about the Festivals of the Summer Solstice, San Juan (his book "Dictionary of Terms Sanjuaneros" is the largest circulation editorial Soria), of the Sisters of the Patron Saint Saturio or, on the Toro Celtiberia (For which she won a contest of national research), the collection of essays on "The Other Soria" - considered by critics as one of his best works -, "Travellers from the third century a. C., and even the nineteenth Soria lands, "" The Saga of Machado "with a foreword by Alfonso Guerra," El Toro Jubilo de Medinaceli, Anthropological Reading, with a foreword by Antonio Purroy Unanua, Agronomist and Dr. Professor of Animal Production at the Public University of Navarra, "Shelling and Shelters. The Soria 1941-1962 (Passive Defense Board), with a foreword by Colonel Luis Vargas Aldana Artillery ...

Arms Soria.

He has also published several research papers in Journals CSIC: Celtiberia, Nobility ... or, local specialty, such as the Revista de Soria, Abanco, Arevacón, Journal of Ethnology , Standard News, Plaza Mayor ... or a regional or national Trébede, Revista Iberoamericana de Heraldry, flags (of the English Society of Vexillology ), Caballeros de Yuste (the Royal Association of the name) ... also analyze sharp pen Soria reality of day to day in the local newspaper opinion pieces that far exceed four thousand. He is currently a columnist for "The World. Diario de Soria. "
Prologuist of many books, lecturer Soria issues in various forums and capital of Spain, proclaimed the week that was devoted to Soria in the Castilian-Leonese center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba preacher of the Fiestas de San Juan de Soria, the San Saturio Pattern in regional houses of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBilbao ..., the Patron of various peoples of the province Day of Castilla y León Tourism held in Almazán, Easter Soriana in 2007, the Regional Tourist Interest "The Magosto" ... He has spoken with report that binding Soria celebrations are declared as "Celebration of traditional bullfighting," or Easter Soriana as regional tourist attractions. "

Trunk House of Twelve lineages of Soria.
currently being investigated along with two other members CES (CSIC) on the administrative districts of the city of Soria, including biography of the Aldermen, from the sixteenth to the end of these trades in the nineteenth., A book that will be released in 2012.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Trunk House of Twelve lineages of Soria has its registered office in the Municipal Archives of Soria.
Ilmo.Sr.D.Carlos Mínguez Martínez, Mayor of the City of Soria.
Soria Mayor, Hon. Mr. Carlos Martinez Mínguez in a recent letter, dated last March 21, 2011, addressed to the Chairman of the House Trunk, Don Francisco Manuel de las Heras and Borrero, congratulated the gentlemen and ladies of the House for the initiative taken, he encourages them to continue working on achieving the statutory objectives, and communicates very happy to accept the distinction of Member of Honor. This is what concordacia appointment to the provisions of article 5 of the statutes governing the House Trunk: "The Hon. Mr. Mayor of the Most Noble and Loyal City of Soria, upon acceptance of hand, is a Member of Honour of the House of the Twelve Core lineages. For this purpose, it is inaugurated as such, once it has taken office. This appointment will be for life. "

headquarters of the City of Soria.
addition, the Mayor authorized the building of the Archive Municipal, which now houses the Historical Archives of the Twelve lineages, is the registered representative Trunk House, where he deposited the relevant documents, while invited to the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Hon. City Council Soria and the Main House Twelve lineages.
Headquarters Municipal Archives.
By releasing this news, which fills us with satisfaction and real pride, we renew our firm intention to, like our ancestors, work hard for the general interests of the Most Noble and Loyal City Soria.
Don Carlos Martínez Minguez, at age 33, became mayor in 2007 in the youngest capitals of the Autonomous Community of Castilla - Leon. Previously, he was Deputy to the Regional Courts. Studies Agricultural Engineering, is a warm person in treatment and outgoing.

Trunk House of Twelve lineages of Soria.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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aristocratic Wagadou-GHANA EMPIRE.

By Dr. Francisco M. de las Heras and Borrero, President of the Provincial Trunk Lineages of this House.
"The traditional African kingship continues in the exercise of significant responsibility that makes him take an official recognition of the top hierarchy their countries and international organizations. "
"It is not a trivial matter which is officially called by the republican authorities in their respective states to associate, as an advisory body to the government of the nation."
"No need to remember that in Europe the nobility, even in monarchies, no such recognition. It is inconceivable, moreover, we see a special representative of UN Secretary General met in a work session with the representative body of the nobility, as we see happening with the African kings and traditional leaders. "
"The fons honorum of kings and traditional leaders, embodied in the granting of honors and awards, is a power inherent in rank and status should be respected."
These were some of the findings that we published in this blog, in an article on the "Fons honorum African traditional monarchies."
But the curious thing about the old monarchies in Africa, who disappeared as a form of government after gaining independence from their respective countries, is that although it has been replaced by republican forms of government, their owners, "the kings and traditional leaders" continue to play a major social role in their countries, being recognized in this condition by the present sovereign powers or even the specialized agencies of the United Nations, As we have stated on other occasions. It is, therefore, is a living institution, present a very important responsibility.
The "traditional kings" are consulted by their governments, issue reports and give advice, representation assume social responsibilities and play a vital role in defense of culture and traditions. Come to be the real theme of the hallmarks of the African soul.

Knight Empire title.
Through the exercise of the right reward system, which never ceased to exercise the "kings and traditional leaders" reward for services rendered to the cause, of the African people or mankind in general, may be awarded of these rewards both nationals of their own country as foreigners.
A very significant is that of His Majesty Tedjini I, Emperor of Wagadou-Ghana, also titled Manga and Tounka, who was crowned on October 27, 2001.
His primary responsibility is to help improve the living conditions of the population living in Wagadou-Ghana Empire, the largest and ancient West African empire. The capital of the empire is Koumbi-Saleh and it has established its institutions, private secretary to His Majesty, the Imperial Council and the Assembly of Traditional Leaders.

title of Count of the Empire.
Since September 28, 2006 His Majesty Tedjini has joined the Supreme Council of Kings of Africa as part of its Bureau Executif and being responsible for the portfolios of Foreign Affairs and Development Strategies.
Tedjini Emperor distributed among the faithful various honors, titles and distinctions, which are regulated in detail.
Essentially, the main regulation in this area is the Decree on the Imperial Nobility of January 1, 2006, which replaces the previous provisions insofar as they are against this new legislation.
Tedjini I give distinctions of nobility and noble titles to reward people for their qualities and their merits serve humanity, to Africa, Wagadou-Ghana and the Sovereign. You can also reward people who are killed in a notorious for human rights and development of peoples.
The Emperor of Wagadou-Ghana discerns three types of honors:
a) Honours Traditional African customs as;
b) Honors Nobility, according to Western customs;
c) Decorations Merit ("Order of the Emperor Tedjini I" and "Order Merit Imperial ").
Honors African traditional priority and dignity prevail over any other.

Emperor Tedjini R & D. Manuel Duchesne, a member of this House Trunk and Baron of the Empire.
titles of nobility, according to Western customs, are granted by the Emperor Knight, Baron, Vicomte, Earl, Marquis, Duke and Prince. These titles are automatically transferred to the successor in direct male line in the order birthright, but also in some cases may be "viagers."
The Emperor, in the absence of direct male descendants, may grant to happen in the title of the eldest daughter called and from there follow the male line of succession. We know some cases in which His Majesty has consented to the request for a degree in this regard.
Emperor Tedjini I.
The qualifications awarded by Tedjini I are always attached to the patronymic. The Emperor can also agree, or recognize, crests to the winners with a noble title.
The noble Wagadou Empire-Ghana must "provide and maintain" fidelity and honor. Aspires to excellence, "Plus Ultra" is his motto, and "is faithful to the ten commandments of God."
Finally, it is noteworthy that all graduates of Empire nobles and maintain a dual allegiance: to the sovereign that has honored and their homeland.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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By Dr. José María de Montells and Galán, Herald Staff of the House Trunk.
At the last festival of Kings, the 2011, Rafael Portell, so familiar with my tastes, has given me a book by Manuel Barrios (1) on the alleged lover of Elizabeth II, the sad destinations and is, to my amazement, they are legion. It is clear that the author has bloated payroll, with some characters he felt sympathy Queen, admiration and affection, without any love relationship test. The truth is that the queen has never had good press. His contemporaries were merciless with their alleged weaknesses erotic and historians have followed to the letter, gossip and slander that prevailed in the court of Queen castiza that, so it has become an image, probably distorted, of a woman so eager for sex as their description borders on depravity and vice. Contributed greatly to this work of satirical and pornographic films of the brothers Becquer (Gustavo Adolfo Valeriano and) The Bourbon ball which had enormous impact in his time.

Dña.Isabel II HM Queen.
I think it was a very bad woman recommended, to pious and extremely passionate folly. A typical example of Romanticism. But I stuck to me that someone so religious and prudish be abandoned both the pleasures of the flesh as stated. True, her marriage to her cousin Don Francisco de Asis was water from the start, but I am deeply pained that the woman who sounded like an oracle to Sor Patrocinio, was the same was delivered to the first handsome young man who he crossed his path.
The queen does not strike me as a nymphomaniac earless wanted to present his contemporaries and the supposed homosexuality of King Consort to be proven. According to Jesus Pabon, in his well-documented Narváez biography (2), King was the father of several illegitimate children and had many lovers known. That probably was an effeminate man, is possible but has not reached us no reliable evidence of his inclinations unnatural.

D. Francisco de Asis de Bourbon, King Consort of Spain.

idiot It turns out that the Count of Paris, head of the House of Orleans and head of the usurping branch, goes off with a statement, in which to try to defend their alleged right to the crown of France, disqualifies SAR Don Luis Alfonso de Borbón, Duke of Anjou, stating that all the Bourbons of Spain are illegitimate, for giving as proven the alleged relationship between Queen Maria Luisa of Bourbon Parma, wife of Carlos IV, and Manuel Godoy, Prince of Peace, and therefore this relationship by assigning to the current source of Bourbons. It is, of course, a fallacy, repetitive, no solvent chronicler says at this point.
What some historians question the legitimacy of the descendants of Elizabeth II, because a spurious origin attributed to King Alfonso XII, which represent the fruit of the love of his mother with Don Enrique Puig Molto. Also false, in light of the oral tradition of the house of Bourbon-Seville, according to which, the real father of Alfonso XII, would be the consort of King's brother, Don Enrique de Bourbon, Duke of Seville.
As you know, Elizabeth II chose as a husband, forced or willingly, his brother Don Francisco de Asis and according to this interpretation somewhat simplistic, Enrique could not contain his disappointment, which led him to commit the most various excesses in protest at what they perceived as their sensitivity wound injustice. According to the oral tradition of the family Bourbon-Sevilla to above referred to, which revealed for the first time the famous historian of dynastic issues, Ricardo Mateos (3), and has not been echoed almost nobody, Enrique would have been the true progenitor of Alfonso XII (not Puigmoltó as has been repeated ad nauseum) the result of a passionate journey of love between two cousins, as the Queen, according to some accounts he was always attracted by his kinsman and brother in law, which denied in hand, the spiteful attitude attributed to Prince for not having been chosen to share the throne.

HM King Alfonso XII.

not chivalry and bonhomie of the first Duke of Seville much consistent with this opinion to him as a stubborn resentment. That the alleged affair not revealed and that the vast majority of writers do not know it is a fact, but several indications, but nothing conclusive eloquent support this thesis:
A disturbing physical resemblance between the Duke of Sevilla and Prince of Asturias, very marked in adolescence and youth of both characters, as evidenced by some photographs and daguerreotypes.
Since the fall of Isabel II, a constant concern of Don Enrique's education who would later Alfonso XII. Therefore, tries in vain (until Canovas convince Queen otherwise) that the Queen sent to the Prince of Asturias to educate England and parliamentary liberal principles, far from conservative European courts and the influence of Austrian empire, a radical as the Prince considered harmful.
Enrique's obsession to pave the way for a possible restoration that would lead inexorably to the fateful duel with Montpensier.
And finally, the abandonment of the sons of Don Henry of the Carlist ranks right at the moment of consummation of the restoration of Don Alfonso. In light of the alleged paternity of Prince Henry the son of Isabel II, it is conceivable that continued the service of Don Carlos, not to raise arms against his own brother. Also that would explain the close relationship secret friendship of Don Enrique de Borbon y Castellvi Pio, the Duke of Seville II Alfonso XII.

D. Enrique de Borbón, Duque de Sevilla.

of Pugmoltejos So, absolutely nothing and does not seem to have no Godoy. Bourbon genuine. Even in the libel, the Orleans is wrong because it is known as Don Luis Alfonso would have inherited the rights to the throne of France, directly from the King Consort, Don Francisco de Asis, Duke of Cádiz, son of Infante Don Francisco de Paula, brother of Fernando VII, third son of Charles IV and Isabella II not because the ladies do not convey rights gala in succession, so that the head of the House of Orleans, as wasps, referred to Manuel Godoy, ignoring the Puig Molto episode, as aired by our writers and historians. The Orleans of yore has not gotten anything but a monumental anger of the King, no provisions to cast doubt on the legitimacy of origin. That is another stupid free to point to his credit.
(1) Fans of Elizabeth II. Topics hoy.Madrid (2001).
(2) Narvaez and his time. Espasa-Calpe. Madrid (1983).
(3) The unknown infants in Spain. Thessalia. Barcelona (1996).

Monday, March 21, 2011

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today released the text, in response to the position taken by Don Luis Pinillos Lafuente on Solar de Tejada, we sent Don José Luis Sampedro Escolar.
again reaffirm our concern of being exclusively vehicles in a major controversy as solar Rioja, with the sole responsibility of the authors of texts, opinions, comments, descriptions and content either end thereof.
In the final reference of the letter referred to Mr. Sampson School, on the merits of joining the House of the Twelve Core Lineages of Soria by Don Luis Pinillos Lafuente, we would like to point out that their income was upon request and after appropriate instruction file, which was duly accredited nobility of his paternal surname. By not prove links with any of the Twelve Lineages, their attachment to the House Trunk occurred, pursuant to statutory regulation, as Honorary Knighthood.
José Luis Sampedro Escolar, Bachelor of Law from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, of the Royal Academy of Heraldry and Genealogy Matritense , Vice President of the Association of Graduates in Genealogy, Heraldry and Nobility.
D. Luis Pinillos Lafuente (DLP) has published on a blog written Twelve Lineages which says to answer the criticism that the undersigned made his publication about Solar Valdeosera. DLP was generous enough to send a copy of this publication to whom these lines signature, thank you properly, but it can not stop expressing its strongest condemnation of what this pamphlet demerit states and infamy in the Solar de Tejada, the accusing them of usurping the dominion status, forging documents and stealing others who would, as DLP, Valdeosera exclusive. DLP
recognizes its lack of historical training to tackle a job like the one intended, and amply demonstrates. He seems to believe what they say old legends and chronicles interpreted only in light of modern historiography and the rational study of historical attitudes can provide noteworthy data. But this must be asking too much to those who accept that the arms of the confer solar Ramiro I in the ninth century and who, with the appearance of fairness, recommended reading and Orive Cantera book about the battle of Clavijo, neglecting ( or perhaps ignoring) other much more reputable authors.
From the beginning, DLP is lost in absurd considerations about the different versions given by the authors about the legendary figures of Sancho de Tejada, his sons and his comrades in arms and, as on page 1, states that voluntarily omitted by not considering certain documents objectives, which must be a document signed in 1460 King Henry IV of Castile, the capital for the serious and rigorous study of the sites mentioned therein and acknowledge undoubtedly, that of the Cardines Montes, then called de Tejada, and the Valdeosera. Why DLP omitted this document? Perhaps because it specifically mentions the lordship of Tejada and in the fifteenth century, which does not suit their disparate and unfair assertions that are unfounded. On the contrary, gives a value to a so-called unjustifiable real relationship of old and founded the town and Solar Valdeosera ... dated back to 1460, perhaps because it refutes the statement by the paper of Henry IV. Self-appointed judge of what you crave, DLP, no scientific background, decided to give value to another version, without base, altering what was said in 1460, which in 1636 issued Jerónimo de Mata, at the request of Solar Valdeosera. This Mata, King of Arms of the seventeenth century, thus becomes a more secure source (DLP) that Fray Atanasio Lobera (1595), according to DLP (p.19) without explaining why he changed the 13 sons of Sancho peers. No, DLP, which changed without explaining why the original legend was his employee Jerónimo de Mata (say your employee because he paid for his work on solar Valdeosera). DLP should not be surprising therefore that Fray Atanasio says the same as Henry IV and yes you should wonder, however, the new version of Jerome unexplained Mata. Mata copy it clear that the real relationship in the self-described ... above is preserved, clear, Valdeosera file. By the way, DLP Tejada should ask repeatedly criticizes the confirmation of his privilege to successive kings but does not explain why calls Valdeosera Mata certification in 1636.
Why ramble on about such trifles? More serious is that in the pages. 29 and 134 as a character mentioned DLP Valdeosera illustrious John Heredia Tejada, divisero of Valdeosera, Mayor of Jubera, Notary of the Secret of the Inquisition in Logroño in 1697. A researcher who studied for years in the appropriate files, and read documents, and finds out what they say, Don Romualdo Sainz de Matienzo, informs us that Heredia was sentenced to four years in prison and another four banimiento (expulsion ) to 20 miles from Logroño to falsify evidence Valdeosera income. Ironically accusing the diviseros DLP Tejada usurpations, thefts and forgeries without evidence when he praises a counterfeiter convicted offender in the early eighteenth century.
contacts are evident in the forger Heredia with another divisero of Valdeosera, Canon Jose Gonzalez de Tejada, who needs no introduction for those who have read his work critically (which seems to lack DLP, fattening your posts by copying large number of pages of the canon). Repeated calls DLP strong arguments that you are sympathetic of Gonzalez de Tejada. He knows why they deserve the adjective strong.

fill a volume of comments, but suffice it to discredit the work of DLP, which is only a libel, and I how the dictionary defines libel save perhaps too much work for his method: Libel: written in which denigrates or defames people. DLP denigrates and defames he calls liars on pg. 85 to diviseros de Tejada. People are diviseros de Tejada to which alleges demeaning actions, and clarify what the dictionary says to denigrate and defame. Humiliating
: tarnish, offend the opinion or reputation of a person. Insult, offend in word and deed
infamous remove fame, honor and esteem to a person or a thing personified.
So much that by Sampedro on October 4, 2009 and ratified in full to March 15, 2011, after reading the "alleged" answer given by DLP in different ways, exercising a "right of reply" to anything I said to this replica.
detailed response to the accumulation of inconsistencies in Twelve DLP pouring Lineages 11 and March 12, 2011 requires eleven other pages, at a minimum, so that those who subscribe will answer only to what he directly is concerned, even at the risk of giving publicity DLP and importance deserved. For starters, Sampedro DLP requested to say how personally offended him or insults him, as the scientific criticism should not be confused with injury or insult and merely criticizes Sampedro trials and exposure patterns of these for DLP.
DLP has spoken with clarity, but with sarcasm: the requirement to prove the agnatic line was not going to Tejada, who, unusually, has been consecrated the transmissibility of the nobility in the female line by Henry IV in 1460, by the Catholic Monarchs in 1491 and by Charles V in 1527. If DLP maintains that these documents are forgeries made by Tejada manor is required to provide conclusive evidence of such a serious allegation, since enough of veiled allusions.
The requirement to prove the agnatic line was not in principle Valdeosera, who is stolen this singular privilege of the Charter Henry IV. You should read without prejudice, Chapter XIV of the book Historical Anthropology of the lords of Tejada and Valdeosera, Romualdo Saenz Matienzo, Editorial Dunken, Buenos Aires, 2010, pp. 267 to 284, which can be purchased at the bookstore Hijazo of Logroño. It explains why the manor Valdeosera Tejada and voluntarily dispensed with trying to exercise their right exceptional transfer of the nobility through the female line. Did not have much merit, in fact, give it time because of the inbreeding of the seed, most of those affected had also tested the nobility by the father.
DLP wondered if Sanpedro think that Joan of Arc "will touch something" (sic in original) to the descendants of the lineage of Tejada. Sampson has not ever told us that Joan of Arc "touch" anything or Valdeosera or Tejada (DLP seems to think they are different things), if by "play" means "having relationship." The relationship between the privilege of the King of Castile from 1460 to the transfer in the female line of the nobility recognized in 1430 by the King of France to the family of Joan of Arc is explicit in the text of the lecture given on 14 October Sampedro 2009, speech that is available on the website of the Center Rioja Madrid and that collected in full in Bulletin No. 2 of the Association for Genealogy and Heraldry Rioja, May 2010, whose PDF is also found on the Internet. DLP
Sanpedro accused of saying that the documents of the Chancellery of Valladolid is a libel. No, Sampedro says "libel" is the book as a DLP, and Sampedro says further that the DLP to disregard the rules of punctuation makes it very difficult to read this pamphlet (as shown in the last paragraph on page . 42, truly hilarious). The text of the Chancery of Valladolid are very respectable and dictate rules on proof of nobility are not discussed, but against general rule is the unique, the basic principle of law that ignores DLP in its inability to subtle shading. And the Charter of 1460 is an exception that seems to bother DLP significantly, we do not know why.
DLP was surprised that King Henry was in Segovia on 10 September 1460, when, in the same period, he published his charter to Tejada in Valladolid. If studies DLP knew about Torres Fontes teacher would not fall into naive Carlitos. DLP should know that it was common for the Foreign Ministry to publish the documents when he finished his drawing, long over at that time. For example, the Catholic Monarchs were in Vitoria on December 5, 1483, while Medina del Campo is where is dated the same day the Privilege of Teresa Martinez, DLP should study, for which you can go back to the aforementioned book Saenz de Matienzo ( pg. 129, note 431).
DLP says that the good faith of Don Juan Carlos I was struck by the representatives of Tejada in 1980. Serious is that saying, it also was hit from Henry IV, the Catholic Monarchs and Charles V to Ferdinand VI, Charles III, Charles IV, Isabel II, the Provisional Government of 1868, Alfonso XII, Alfonso XIII and the Generalissimo Franco. Board much stupidity! DLP has only succeeded in see the reality of the facts which have misled many people, although it is tedious to enumerate all the fables that DLP accepted as dogmas of faith. For him, the King of Arms Mata Jerome is not fooled and tells the whole truth in 1636, enlighten us with the "true" facts about the lineage and the true placement of the children of Sancho de Tejada Valdeosera barracks. This itself is a reliable document for DLP. Kill offers all the guarantees that everything he says is the only truth concerning the solar Valdeosera Tejada and, because it will peta to DLP, and nothing but that.
assessment of litigation on Nobility of DLP is very picturesque. Diego follows some details of School Manuel Martínez (Ajamil, from 1725 to 1789), Lord of Valdeosera in 1768. In 1752 the Land Registry is made of the Marquis de la Ensenada, who did not have official sanction, in which Register and Ajamil seat neighbors (Archivo Histórico Provincial de Logroño, C-12, page 11) says: "Diego School, married , on its own pastor and general condition. " Elected Ajamil Bulls Collector General by the State in that year of 1752, and Faithful of scales by the same State General in 1754, protested both elections, Hidalgo being recognized as the Chancery of Valladolid in 1776 (file 1149-3 of the Board of Hijosdalgo) on record in the not mentioned at any time be divisero of this quality Valdeosera not concur in their agnatic ancestors, though I attended indeed. After winning the provision of Nobility was appointed Receiver General by the State in 1777 and Noble Faithful scales by the same State in 1785 and 1787. If we interpreted so as absurd as DLP does the documentation, we would conclude that being Valdeosera divisero of Nobility was not proof of, if not claimed. The explanation is simple: the applicant provides additional evidence to prove his membership in the noble status and choose not to spend more money and time to turn informant and write the file to lift the relevant Valdeosera minutes. Let
another point. DLP unpublished findings are puzzling. DLP "knows" the identity of the original owner of the styling that looks the House Tejada said he was a Valdeosera divisero of Knight of the Order of Santiago. It does not say who that gentleman or the source to say that. What new sources of genealogy that DLP offers the Marquis of Valdeíñigo? Because DLP completely alter the hitherto held as true as to the identity of the I Marquis, who becomes unwittingly in his father's brother.
DLP Can you give details of the figure 157 of his book? If anyone is interested it can ask Sampedro, it is the original owner, a copy of which happened many years ago to D. Damaso Ruiz de Clavijo. And the figure 216? Sanpedro can ensure that this portrait is not in Chile, as stated DLP because Sampson was the one who passed this information to Ruiz de Clavijo also many years ago. And the fig. 248? ...
already entered into the matter of arms, including incoherent unintelligible sentences for their peculiar punctuation, DLP seems to proclaim a problem for the lamplighters of Sevilla use coat of arms. It is at this point is that DLP drinks from sources that he was being poisoned, perhaps without knowing it. Because this reference shows you hear bells and do not know where. DLP should be saved from his informants, perhaps, to manipulate and use to satisfy personal interests.
Very illustrative is that Sampson has to inform current DLP is a formal agreement subscribed by the legitimate representatives of the solar and Valdeosera Tejada, authorizing each other, with good logic, interchangeably use different versions of heraldic arms over the long history of these respectable corporations have been used in different media. Here begins to be part of the explanation for both DLP incoherent nonsense. As we read on the page. 102 of libel (and understood, despite his own way of scoring) DLP is faced with the rector of Valdeosera team that in 2004, chose to ask, following the example of Tejada, the ratification of their privileges to HM the King. And to attack that sector of Valdeosera diviseros, do not hesitate to seek an excuse to attack unjustly after Tejada. Apart from attacking the board of Solar Valdeosera which held the address of that entity in 2004, DLP, with its attacks on Tejada, get an importance that did not raise the songbooks support Asturiana Academy of Heraldry and Genealogy, the Order of St. Michael of the Wing and the Twelve lineages of Soria, who have received honorary. DLP
calls "Pamphlet" Sanpedro response to libel, but that answer is not a pamphlet, which is "aggressive", the letter of Sanpedro is "defensive" because if there had been no DLP had not released before the libel, aggressive and unjustified, and that is promoting too much thanks to all this mess. Until that time Sampson had not dealt with DLP or his work, clearly, not to interpret ancient legends and chronicles in the light of modern historiography and the rational study of historical attitudes. Since DLP is unable to undertake work and try to ridicule.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

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Oath initial rebellion

Lysistrata: Lampito, all women touched the cup, and repeat after me: I will not have any relationship with my husband or my lover.
Cleonica: I will not have any relationship with my husband or my lover.
Lysistrata: Although come to me in poor condition.
Cleonica: Although come to me in poor condition. (Oh Lysistrata, this is killing me!)
Lysistrata: in my house will stay untouched.
Cleonica: in my house will stay untouched.
Lysistrata: With my more subtle saffron silk.
Cleonica: With my more subtle saffron silk.

Lysistrata: And do I want.
Cleonica: And do I want.
Lysistrata: I will deliver.
Cleonica: I do not deliver.
Lysistrata: And if he forces me.
Cleonica: And if he forces me.
Lysistrata: I will be as cold as ice and did not move.
Cleonica: I'll be as cold as ice and did not move.
(...) Lysistrata: Do all have sworn?
Myrrhina: All.

Lori Ann Rambough Goes To Jail

NICARAGUA: Sovereign Nations Protocol.

By D. Victor A. García Guardia.

isotriangular, embroidered with gold. The base is a sea of \u200b\u200bazure, the volcanic peaks which rise five Vert. Between the second and third volcanic peak, on an azure sky and radiating twelve rays of silver, a Phrygian cap. Phrygian cap on a rainbow of colors available to own. Surrounding the joint circular in shape, in gold letters the words "REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA CENTRAL AMERICA." Isotriangular field refers to the equality of all citizens nicaragüeños. The five volcanic cones recall the five nations that formed the Confederation of Latin Central (confederacy founded on September 15, 1821). The red cap represents the desire for freedom. The rainbow refers to hope.
Shield officially adopted on 18 July 2002.

Anthem officially adopted on 20 October 1939.

official flag ratio: 3 / 5.
is composed of two bands of azure, and interposed between them a strip of silver; the three bands will the same dimensions. At the center of the strip of silver, Coat of Arms with all their coats.
Azure represents justice and loyalty, while silver represents purity and integrity.
Flag officially adopted on July 18, 2002.

Order of Rubén Darío.
is granted: Domestic and Foreign for relevant services and outstanding work in the field of political, economic, social, technological, cultural and spiritual for the benefit of the Nation, for literary works of art or high profile, prominent educational work and scientific discoveries of great importance.
Award: Greek Cross stitch, with a blue enamelled arms, over 55 bursts of gold interwoven with a silver laurel wreath. About brazoslaterales silver swans. On the upper arm, the shield of the nation, while on the lower arm a silver lyre. At the center a silver circle with gold bordure in gold letters reading "Order of Ruben Dario ." Inside the circle on a blue background, the golden statue of the poet Rubén Darío looking at the right hand.
Grades: Collar, Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, Knight.
Award officially regulated the September 23, 2002.

Name: José Daniel Ortega Saavedra.
Protocol: SR. PRESIDENT.
Date of Birth: November 11, 1945.
Birthplace: La Libertad, Chontales.
Sworn on January 10, 2007.
Title (s): President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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Delirious! They're bombing Libya! 11M Homenaje

U.S. and Britain join France and bomb Libya

U.S. warships fire missiles 'Tomahawk' after the French aircraft began the attack destroyed several tanks .- London confirms that its troops are already in action .- Earlier, Gaddafi had broken the ceasefire by bombing Benghazi. (Information from The Country )

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Thanks to the kindness of D. Vitor Escudero, a close friend of the Core House, we received an invitation to attend the Thematic Studies Seminar on Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Cultural Heritage of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, sponsored by the Center for Research on Social Affairs of the University Lusophone Humanities and Technology in Lisbon, scheduled for Saturday March 26 in the Auditorium Armando Guebuza, Campo Grande (Lisbon) with the following schedule:
15h.00 Opening Jobs & Papers, by Dña.Ana Cristina Martins, Coordinator of the Department of History Heritage-CPES Science and Research Center Social Studies Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the ULHT.
15h.15 The Military Constantinian, a Portuguese paper, by Mr. Jorge de Matos, the ALH and AIH.
Members 15h.45 Portuguese royal dynasty honored with Order of the Royal House of the Two-Sicilies, by Mr. José Colaço, the ALH, the IAI and the CPES.
16h.15 Exlibris heraldic badges of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order San Jorge, by Vítor D. Escudero, the CPES and the NLH.

16h.45 heraldic Rights of the Knights of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order San Jorge, ADMIRAL by Ramires Pinto, HPI, ALH, APE CPES and
17h.15 Rest.
17h.45 and Vice Consuls of the Two Sicilies in Portugal, by Mr. Lourenço Correia de Matos, the HPI and of CPES.
18h.15 The rediscovery of classical antiquity and the agenda Bourbon Dña.Ana by Cristina Martins, IICT and CPES.
19h.00 Closure of Papers, Dña.Ana by Cristina Martins, Coordinator of the Heritage Section of History of Science of the CPES-Center for Research and Social Studies Faculty of Social Sciences and Human of ULHT, and Vítor D. Escudero, Coordinator of the Section of Genealogy, Heraldry and Falerística of CPES.
Admission is free. If any of our readers are interested in staging Support the corresponding registration may do so at the following e-mail: vitor.escudero @
will be issued certificates of attendance.

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Although it should be necessary, we repeat that in this case only encourages us to be a platform for the dissemination of historical and scientific discussions, without the Trunk House take sides with any of its points.
We received a new letter of Don José Antonio Dávila García Miranda, Lawyer and Adviser to the ancient and illustrious Solar de Tejada, emphasizing certain statements relating to the Solar de Tejada, expressed by Don Luis Pinillos Lafuente, Divisero of Solar Valdeosera, and that we recently released in this Blog.
Del writing of Mr. Davila we will publish an extensive excerpt, having adapted his extensive writing to the "limited" blog format, as we do normally.

D. Arms José Antonio Dávila and Garcia-Miranda.
Don José Antonio Dávila:
I do not want to directly answer LUIS PINILLOS LAFUENTE in this BLOG, to his ill-named "Response" to my letter, published last days in the same setting, since no respond seriously to any of my arguments and documentary references reliable, but neither I want to reaffirm now, most recently, as I said then (...)
Over two responses and eleven pages, Mr. Pinillos not answer to any of the essential arguments of my letter did not make reference to the documentary evidence mentioned and detail, and properly rejects anything (...)
I do not know how to interpret the expression " diz" , which is never part of the final resolution, in which uses documents, emanating from the chancery of the Catholic Kings, which I do not know another meaning of "Dice" or "say", the humorously rebate. The Solar Valdeosera Tejada and almost always have been considered SOLAR BROTHERS, but has not ceased to be differences or clashes village, which is certainly regrettable. I agree with the endearing pages devoted to these Solar Don Ramón José Maldonado and COCATE in his "Nobility Riojano" and I regret that Valdeosera a manor with a situation like this, consider that the most important for him is to discredit Tejada and if it were possible, cancel it as an historic and noble, seems to think he would win the most prestigious and the Solar and Valdeosera Mansion , which entirely rejected.
Yet it is interesting the media, which he does, of Form 1667, "Practice and form of the Chancery of Valladolid", the document itself important, but no legal validity or the importance of reaching an execution, privilege or Real ID or Real Resolution. It is true that this paper does not mention the Solar de Tejada, but do not know whether or not that is unfavorable to the Solar, and that this may be many reasons. Interestingly, this document puts the same level and with the same value "Houses of the Swimming Pool and Valdeosera" (sic).

Privilege of the Catholic Kings to Tejada.
But apart from mere opinions and comments, more or less founded, the thesis and its essential arguments above book and now to these eleven pages, is specific with respect to Tejada and his manor in following: 1) That according to which the number such as "Document" n º 5, 1716, until then, or a few years ago, Tejada was not free to receive, or settled to "Diviseros", nor "Mansion House and Infanzon" and has never been "Villa" , 2 °) The first document Real authentic for Tejada, is given by Fernando VI, 1749, admitting no Pinillos as genuine, which have earlier dates, calling, why? at Privilege of Kings Catholics, "palimpsest" (sic), and 3) That based, above all, his argument on the Charter of Arms of Don Jeronimo de Mata, Rey de Armas de Don Felipe IV, the year 1636.
On these points no reasoning with the rigor of Valdeosera Divisero, mixing things together and focuses on marginal issues, no real relevance to the question, returning to dwell on suspicion and comments villager or "provincial" , as he is called. In my letter of seven pages dated October 3, 2010, criticism and assessment of his book, "VALDEOSERA, Solar of thirteen currencies," I countered these and other ends of that work, so now I reiterate and reproduced and hopefully by this time read it carefully Mr. Pini. And if claims that the documents I have argued, between the years 1460 and 1580, two Royal Charters, witness information authorized by Notary Public and receipt books, accounts etc. Solar de Tejada, are not true and that in a word are fakes, you try it or take due responsibility if you can not do. Every lawyer knows, is "Faculty" or "dry", which in this case, it is up to him, the burden of proof.

Arms Tejada.
Finally, by the fire at the Casa de Tejada, in 1570, do not know if previously received "Diviseras" and offspring per female. But it is clear that from 1580 until the mid-nineteenth century, only Diviseros in Tejada received by the male line. But it is true that happened to be received by female line, from those years, as well as other lineages, as the descendants of Antona Garcia, Farfana Goths, Solar Focella descendants of Velic Aurioles etc. Curiously, today the position and Tejada is legal decision and stick to the current English Constitution, which does not happen with Valdeosera, that does not support Diviseras or descendants of these or female line, so the same Pinillos in his work, come to condemn and disavow, for arguing in his book that has the personality of these sites is that of a mere "Community Property" debunks a special "Salic law" because no one can be deprived of their rights of inheritance to the daughter of a commoner by agreement of its board, which is totally unconstitutional and possibly criminal, to go against the Law on Gender Equality. I say, do not know if it is true that when someone, perhaps a woman, has sought written notice to the Board of Valdeosera your claim, do not collect or notarized letter Buro-Fax, despite being warned, being returned to the sender. Furthermore, the Marqués de la Floresta, in his able article "Is there the nobility in Spain in the 2,010? "Concrete" Today, in terms of strict legality, in Spain there is a titled nobility, "is formed by the grandees of Spain and the titles of the kingdom, and also a not titled nobility. The latter has as its member expressed by the Supreme Court in its Judgement of February 16, 1988, solely and exclusively the knights and ladies of the Royal Corps of the Nobility of Madrid and the Royal Cavalry of Seville, Granada, Valencia, Zaragoza Ronda. And Solar de Tejada has, in the official guide SECURITIES OF THE KINGDOM, in the "other dignitaries", is integrated into no Titled Nobility as a result of the Royal Charter of December 6 1957, "in favor of the Knights of the Illustrious Diviseros Hijosdalgo Solar de Tejada." Because as the article concludes "there must never forget that the nobility is law or nothing."
And just one more thing, with humility that honor, Sr.Pinillos sign your letter with your name and adds, "a provincial Hjo Raymond and Rosario" (...). Also admire delicacy that is not called "Mansion Valdeosera" to leave this part to Noble institution his personal opinions and their likes and dislikes.