Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lori Ann Rambough Goes To Jail

NICARAGUA: Sovereign Nations Protocol.

By D. Victor A. García Guardia.

isotriangular, embroidered with gold. The base is a sea of \u200b\u200bazure, the volcanic peaks which rise five Vert. Between the second and third volcanic peak, on an azure sky and radiating twelve rays of silver, a Phrygian cap. Phrygian cap on a rainbow of colors available to own. Surrounding the joint circular in shape, in gold letters the words "REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA CENTRAL AMERICA." Isotriangular field refers to the equality of all citizens nicaragüeños. The five volcanic cones recall the five nations that formed the Confederation of Latin Central (confederacy founded on September 15, 1821). The red cap represents the desire for freedom. The rainbow refers to hope.
Shield officially adopted on 18 July 2002.

Anthem officially adopted on 20 October 1939.

official flag ratio: 3 / 5.
is composed of two bands of azure, and interposed between them a strip of silver; the three bands will the same dimensions. At the center of the strip of silver, Coat of Arms with all their coats.
Azure represents justice and loyalty, while silver represents purity and integrity.
Flag officially adopted on July 18, 2002.

Order of Rubén Darío.
is granted: Domestic and Foreign for relevant services and outstanding work in the field of political, economic, social, technological, cultural and spiritual for the benefit of the Nation, for literary works of art or high profile, prominent educational work and scientific discoveries of great importance.
Award: Greek Cross stitch, with a blue enamelled arms, over 55 bursts of gold interwoven with a silver laurel wreath. About brazoslaterales silver swans. On the upper arm, the shield of the nation, while on the lower arm a silver lyre. At the center a silver circle with gold bordure in gold letters reading "Order of Ruben Dario ." Inside the circle on a blue background, the golden statue of the poet Rubén Darío looking at the right hand.
Grades: Collar, Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, Knight.
Award officially regulated the September 23, 2002.

Name: José Daniel Ortega Saavedra.
Protocol: SR. PRESIDENT.
Date of Birth: November 11, 1945.
Birthplace: La Libertad, Chontales.
Sworn on January 10, 2007.
Title (s): President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.


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