Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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aristocratic Wagadou-GHANA EMPIRE.

By Dr. Francisco M. de las Heras and Borrero, President of the Provincial Trunk Lineages of this House.
"The traditional African kingship continues in the exercise of significant responsibility that makes him take an official recognition of the top hierarchy their countries and international organizations. "
"It is not a trivial matter which is officially called by the republican authorities in their respective states to associate, as an advisory body to the government of the nation."
"No need to remember that in Europe the nobility, even in monarchies, no such recognition. It is inconceivable, moreover, we see a special representative of UN Secretary General met in a work session with the representative body of the nobility, as we see happening with the African kings and traditional leaders. "
"The fons honorum of kings and traditional leaders, embodied in the granting of honors and awards, is a power inherent in rank and status should be respected."
These were some of the findings that we published in this blog, in an article on the "Fons honorum African traditional monarchies."
But the curious thing about the old monarchies in Africa, who disappeared as a form of government after gaining independence from their respective countries, is that although it has been replaced by republican forms of government, their owners, "the kings and traditional leaders" continue to play a major social role in their countries, being recognized in this condition by the present sovereign powers or even the specialized agencies of the United Nations, As we have stated on other occasions. It is, therefore, is a living institution, present a very important responsibility.
The "traditional kings" are consulted by their governments, issue reports and give advice, representation assume social responsibilities and play a vital role in defense of culture and traditions. Come to be the real theme of the hallmarks of the African soul.

Knight Empire title.
Through the exercise of the right reward system, which never ceased to exercise the "kings and traditional leaders" reward for services rendered to the cause, of the African people or mankind in general, may be awarded of these rewards both nationals of their own country as foreigners.
A very significant is that of His Majesty Tedjini I, Emperor of Wagadou-Ghana, also titled Manga and Tounka, who was crowned on October 27, 2001.
His primary responsibility is to help improve the living conditions of the population living in Wagadou-Ghana Empire, the largest and ancient West African empire. The capital of the empire is Koumbi-Saleh and it has established its institutions, private secretary to His Majesty, the Imperial Council and the Assembly of Traditional Leaders.

title of Count of the Empire.
Since September 28, 2006 His Majesty Tedjini has joined the Supreme Council of Kings of Africa as part of its Bureau Executif and being responsible for the portfolios of Foreign Affairs and Development Strategies.
Tedjini Emperor distributed among the faithful various honors, titles and distinctions, which are regulated in detail.
Essentially, the main regulation in this area is the Decree on the Imperial Nobility of January 1, 2006, which replaces the previous provisions insofar as they are against this new legislation.
Tedjini I give distinctions of nobility and noble titles to reward people for their qualities and their merits serve humanity, to Africa, Wagadou-Ghana and the Sovereign. You can also reward people who are killed in a notorious for human rights and development of peoples.
The Emperor of Wagadou-Ghana discerns three types of honors:
a) Honours Traditional African customs as;
b) Honors Nobility, according to Western customs;
c) Decorations Merit ("Order of the Emperor Tedjini I" and "Order Merit Imperial ").
Honors African traditional priority and dignity prevail over any other.

Emperor Tedjini R & D. Manuel Duchesne, a member of this House Trunk and Baron of the Empire.
titles of nobility, according to Western customs, are granted by the Emperor Knight, Baron, Vicomte, Earl, Marquis, Duke and Prince. These titles are automatically transferred to the successor in direct male line in the order birthright, but also in some cases may be "viagers."
The Emperor, in the absence of direct male descendants, may grant to happen in the title of the eldest daughter called and from there follow the male line of succession. We know some cases in which His Majesty has consented to the request for a degree in this regard.
Emperor Tedjini I.
The qualifications awarded by Tedjini I are always attached to the patronymic. The Emperor can also agree, or recognize, crests to the winners with a noble title.
The noble Wagadou Empire-Ghana must "provide and maintain" fidelity and honor. Aspires to excellence, "Plus Ultra" is his motto, and "is faithful to the ten commandments of God."
Finally, it is noteworthy that all graduates of Empire nobles and maintain a dual allegiance: to the sovereign that has honored and their homeland.


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