Friday, March 18, 2011

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Although it should be necessary, we repeat that in this case only encourages us to be a platform for the dissemination of historical and scientific discussions, without the Trunk House take sides with any of its points.
We received a new letter of Don José Antonio Dávila García Miranda, Lawyer and Adviser to the ancient and illustrious Solar de Tejada, emphasizing certain statements relating to the Solar de Tejada, expressed by Don Luis Pinillos Lafuente, Divisero of Solar Valdeosera, and that we recently released in this Blog.
Del writing of Mr. Davila we will publish an extensive excerpt, having adapted his extensive writing to the "limited" blog format, as we do normally.

D. Arms José Antonio Dávila and Garcia-Miranda.
Don José Antonio Dávila:
I do not want to directly answer LUIS PINILLOS LAFUENTE in this BLOG, to his ill-named "Response" to my letter, published last days in the same setting, since no respond seriously to any of my arguments and documentary references reliable, but neither I want to reaffirm now, most recently, as I said then (...)
Over two responses and eleven pages, Mr. Pinillos not answer to any of the essential arguments of my letter did not make reference to the documentary evidence mentioned and detail, and properly rejects anything (...)
I do not know how to interpret the expression " diz" , which is never part of the final resolution, in which uses documents, emanating from the chancery of the Catholic Kings, which I do not know another meaning of "Dice" or "say", the humorously rebate. The Solar Valdeosera Tejada and almost always have been considered SOLAR BROTHERS, but has not ceased to be differences or clashes village, which is certainly regrettable. I agree with the endearing pages devoted to these Solar Don Ramón José Maldonado and COCATE in his "Nobility Riojano" and I regret that Valdeosera a manor with a situation like this, consider that the most important for him is to discredit Tejada and if it were possible, cancel it as an historic and noble, seems to think he would win the most prestigious and the Solar and Valdeosera Mansion , which entirely rejected.
Yet it is interesting the media, which he does, of Form 1667, "Practice and form of the Chancery of Valladolid", the document itself important, but no legal validity or the importance of reaching an execution, privilege or Real ID or Real Resolution. It is true that this paper does not mention the Solar de Tejada, but do not know whether or not that is unfavorable to the Solar, and that this may be many reasons. Interestingly, this document puts the same level and with the same value "Houses of the Swimming Pool and Valdeosera" (sic).

Privilege of the Catholic Kings to Tejada.
But apart from mere opinions and comments, more or less founded, the thesis and its essential arguments above book and now to these eleven pages, is specific with respect to Tejada and his manor in following: 1) That according to which the number such as "Document" n º 5, 1716, until then, or a few years ago, Tejada was not free to receive, or settled to "Diviseros", nor "Mansion House and Infanzon" and has never been "Villa" , 2 °) The first document Real authentic for Tejada, is given by Fernando VI, 1749, admitting no Pinillos as genuine, which have earlier dates, calling, why? at Privilege of Kings Catholics, "palimpsest" (sic), and 3) That based, above all, his argument on the Charter of Arms of Don Jeronimo de Mata, Rey de Armas de Don Felipe IV, the year 1636.
On these points no reasoning with the rigor of Valdeosera Divisero, mixing things together and focuses on marginal issues, no real relevance to the question, returning to dwell on suspicion and comments villager or "provincial" , as he is called. In my letter of seven pages dated October 3, 2010, criticism and assessment of his book, "VALDEOSERA, Solar of thirteen currencies," I countered these and other ends of that work, so now I reiterate and reproduced and hopefully by this time read it carefully Mr. Pini. And if claims that the documents I have argued, between the years 1460 and 1580, two Royal Charters, witness information authorized by Notary Public and receipt books, accounts etc. Solar de Tejada, are not true and that in a word are fakes, you try it or take due responsibility if you can not do. Every lawyer knows, is "Faculty" or "dry", which in this case, it is up to him, the burden of proof.

Arms Tejada.
Finally, by the fire at the Casa de Tejada, in 1570, do not know if previously received "Diviseras" and offspring per female. But it is clear that from 1580 until the mid-nineteenth century, only Diviseros in Tejada received by the male line. But it is true that happened to be received by female line, from those years, as well as other lineages, as the descendants of Antona Garcia, Farfana Goths, Solar Focella descendants of Velic Aurioles etc. Curiously, today the position and Tejada is legal decision and stick to the current English Constitution, which does not happen with Valdeosera, that does not support Diviseras or descendants of these or female line, so the same Pinillos in his work, come to condemn and disavow, for arguing in his book that has the personality of these sites is that of a mere "Community Property" debunks a special "Salic law" because no one can be deprived of their rights of inheritance to the daughter of a commoner by agreement of its board, which is totally unconstitutional and possibly criminal, to go against the Law on Gender Equality. I say, do not know if it is true that when someone, perhaps a woman, has sought written notice to the Board of Valdeosera your claim, do not collect or notarized letter Buro-Fax, despite being warned, being returned to the sender. Furthermore, the Marqués de la Floresta, in his able article "Is there the nobility in Spain in the 2,010? "Concrete" Today, in terms of strict legality, in Spain there is a titled nobility, "is formed by the grandees of Spain and the titles of the kingdom, and also a not titled nobility. The latter has as its member expressed by the Supreme Court in its Judgement of February 16, 1988, solely and exclusively the knights and ladies of the Royal Corps of the Nobility of Madrid and the Royal Cavalry of Seville, Granada, Valencia, Zaragoza Ronda. And Solar de Tejada has, in the official guide SECURITIES OF THE KINGDOM, in the "other dignitaries", is integrated into no Titled Nobility as a result of the Royal Charter of December 6 1957, "in favor of the Knights of the Illustrious Diviseros Hijosdalgo Solar de Tejada." Because as the article concludes "there must never forget that the nobility is law or nothing."
And just one more thing, with humility that honor, Sr.Pinillos sign your letter with your name and adds, "a provincial Hjo Raymond and Rosario" (...). Also admire delicacy that is not called "Mansion Valdeosera" to leave this part to Noble institution his personal opinions and their likes and dislikes.


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