Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Garbrielle Union Dark Skin


By Dr. José María de Montells and Galán, Herald Staff of the House Trunk.
At the last festival of Kings, the 2011, Rafael Portell, so familiar with my tastes, has given me a book by Manuel Barrios (1) on the alleged lover of Elizabeth II, the sad destinations and is, to my amazement, they are legion. It is clear that the author has bloated payroll, with some characters he felt sympathy Queen, admiration and affection, without any love relationship test. The truth is that the queen has never had good press. His contemporaries were merciless with their alleged weaknesses erotic and historians have followed to the letter, gossip and slander that prevailed in the court of Queen castiza that, so it has become an image, probably distorted, of a woman so eager for sex as their description borders on depravity and vice. Contributed greatly to this work of satirical and pornographic films of the brothers Becquer (Gustavo Adolfo Valeriano and) The Bourbon ball which had enormous impact in his time.

Dña.Isabel II HM Queen.
I think it was a very bad woman recommended, to pious and extremely passionate folly. A typical example of Romanticism. But I stuck to me that someone so religious and prudish be abandoned both the pleasures of the flesh as stated. True, her marriage to her cousin Don Francisco de Asis was water from the start, but I am deeply pained that the woman who sounded like an oracle to Sor Patrocinio, was the same was delivered to the first handsome young man who he crossed his path.
The queen does not strike me as a nymphomaniac earless wanted to present his contemporaries and the supposed homosexuality of King Consort to be proven. According to Jesus Pabon, in his well-documented Narváez biography (2), King was the father of several illegitimate children and had many lovers known. That probably was an effeminate man, is possible but has not reached us no reliable evidence of his inclinations unnatural.

D. Francisco de Asis de Bourbon, King Consort of Spain.

idiot It turns out that the Count of Paris, head of the House of Orleans and head of the usurping branch, goes off with a statement, in which to try to defend their alleged right to the crown of France, disqualifies SAR Don Luis Alfonso de Borbón, Duke of Anjou, stating that all the Bourbons of Spain are illegitimate, for giving as proven the alleged relationship between Queen Maria Luisa of Bourbon Parma, wife of Carlos IV, and Manuel Godoy, Prince of Peace, and therefore this relationship by assigning to the current source of Bourbons. It is, of course, a fallacy, repetitive, no solvent chronicler says at this point.
What some historians question the legitimacy of the descendants of Elizabeth II, because a spurious origin attributed to King Alfonso XII, which represent the fruit of the love of his mother with Don Enrique Puig Molto. Also false, in light of the oral tradition of the house of Bourbon-Seville, according to which, the real father of Alfonso XII, would be the consort of King's brother, Don Enrique de Bourbon, Duke of Seville.
As you know, Elizabeth II chose as a husband, forced or willingly, his brother Don Francisco de Asis and according to this interpretation somewhat simplistic, Enrique could not contain his disappointment, which led him to commit the most various excesses in protest at what they perceived as their sensitivity wound injustice. According to the oral tradition of the family Bourbon-Sevilla to above referred to, which revealed for the first time the famous historian of dynastic issues, Ricardo Mateos (3), and has not been echoed almost nobody, Enrique would have been the true progenitor of Alfonso XII (not Puigmoltó as has been repeated ad nauseum) the result of a passionate journey of love between two cousins, as the Queen, according to some accounts he was always attracted by his kinsman and brother in law, which denied in hand, the spiteful attitude attributed to Prince for not having been chosen to share the throne.

HM King Alfonso XII.

not chivalry and bonhomie of the first Duke of Seville much consistent with this opinion to him as a stubborn resentment. That the alleged affair not revealed and that the vast majority of writers do not know it is a fact, but several indications, but nothing conclusive eloquent support this thesis:
A disturbing physical resemblance between the Duke of Sevilla and Prince of Asturias, very marked in adolescence and youth of both characters, as evidenced by some photographs and daguerreotypes.
Since the fall of Isabel II, a constant concern of Don Enrique's education who would later Alfonso XII. Therefore, tries in vain (until Canovas convince Queen otherwise) that the Queen sent to the Prince of Asturias to educate England and parliamentary liberal principles, far from conservative European courts and the influence of Austrian empire, a radical as the Prince considered harmful.
Enrique's obsession to pave the way for a possible restoration that would lead inexorably to the fateful duel with Montpensier.
And finally, the abandonment of the sons of Don Henry of the Carlist ranks right at the moment of consummation of the restoration of Don Alfonso. In light of the alleged paternity of Prince Henry the son of Isabel II, it is conceivable that continued the service of Don Carlos, not to raise arms against his own brother. Also that would explain the close relationship secret friendship of Don Enrique de Borbon y Castellvi Pio, the Duke of Seville II Alfonso XII.

D. Enrique de Borbón, Duque de Sevilla.

of Pugmoltejos So, absolutely nothing and does not seem to have no Godoy. Bourbon genuine. Even in the libel, the Orleans is wrong because it is known as Don Luis Alfonso would have inherited the rights to the throne of France, directly from the King Consort, Don Francisco de Asis, Duke of Cádiz, son of Infante Don Francisco de Paula, brother of Fernando VII, third son of Charles IV and Isabella II not because the ladies do not convey rights gala in succession, so that the head of the House of Orleans, as wasps, referred to Manuel Godoy, ignoring the Puig Molto episode, as aired by our writers and historians. The Orleans of yore has not gotten anything but a monumental anger of the King, no provisions to cast doubt on the legitimacy of origin. That is another stupid free to point to his credit.
(1) Fans of Elizabeth II. Topics hoy.Madrid (2001).
(2) Narvaez and his time. Espasa-Calpe. Madrid (1983).
(3) The unknown infants in Spain. Thessalia. Barcelona (1996).


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